The Great Gold Deception and Misdirection!
The world is returning to a gold standard. Currency wars are escalating. All fiat currencies are going down the toilet bowl of currency debasement. It is a matter of when a global currency meltdown will happen. When it does, countries that back their currencies with gold will survive. The era of unbacked fiat currencies created out of thin air is coming to an end. I do not believe the Illuminist banksters can depress the price of gold indefinitely. Hundreds of tonnes of physical gold are disappearing from the west to the east.
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Asian exporting nations led by China are dumping their USD in exchange for physical gold. Without physical gold, the Anglo-American-Illuminist empire will crumble ie. it is the end of their global monetary hegemony! This violent move downwards will be met by an even greater violent move upwards soon! Put on your space helmets for the coming moon shot!
The Great Gold Deception and Misdirection!
by Stewart Dougherty,
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini
It would be fortunate for the western world, particularly the United States, if it were “merely” becoming a neo-fascist dictatorship. But since all life forces evolve, particularly those that are evil, the west is actually experiencing something far more pernicious: namely, a banksterist dictatorship, which is en route to something even worse.
In Banksterism, the full arsenal of the state is deployed to preserve and protect one thing above all else: the power, wealth, influence and profits of banksters. It is only the crumbs left over after the banksters have gorged themselves at the money trough that are cast upon the dirt for everyone else to scavenge and peck upon. The problem is that history, and particularly recent history shows that banksters can never get enough. They are addicted to lucre, as if it were heroin. So in a banksterist dictatorship, capital is systematically plundered from the overall economy, causing it to weaken, and then die. This is when the covert totalitarianism of banksterism yields to overt, full-blown, state-sponsored military totalitarianism, better known as the Police State. The road to tyranny is paved with banksterism.
The week of February 11, 2013 saw one of the most persistent, concentrated and vicious attacks on precious metals prices during the entire GENERATION -long bankster-orchestrated price rigging campaign. Prices suffered repeated, waterfall declines every single day, and often multiple times per day, on precisely zero news that might have explained them. In other words, these price raids were outright, collusive and pre-meditated slaughters, conducted one after another after another. As financial market experts know, such price action is totally unnatural and illogical; no legitimate, for-profit seller in their right mind dumps supply onto a market in this fashion, unless they know for a fact that their price raid will work, and continue to work. This is the case when the price manipulator controls the market. While we are told that price fixing is illegal, this is obviously false because certain well-connected elites get away with it whenever they want, and for decades at a time. If a cabal can manipulate a large, global market such as gold, it can steal staggering sums of money.
Based on the elephantine, concentrated short positions in gold and silver held last week by the top eight cartel members, it is probable that they raked in profits of more than $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars) in the gold futures market, and more than $450,000,000 (four hundred fifty million dollars) in the silver futures market price attacks. In total, they swindled nearly $1.5 billion dollars, in gold and silver futures alone, in one week alone, in the United States alone, by pushing a few computer keys and capturing the right regulators, who are trained and incentivized to look the other way. While zero true economic value was created by these price manipulations, $1,500,000,000.00 (1.5 billion dollars) flowed from the marketplace and into the already stuffed pockets of enormously powerful and well-connected banksters. This is the banksterist dictatorship right in the people’s face and flipping the bird at them. If you were long the metals last week, you learned who was in charge, and it wasn’t you, no matter how intelligent the investment rationale behind your position might have been.
The $1.5 billion profit figure does not include additional shorting profits that were likely made in more opaque instruments such as options, futures on options and other synthetic derivatives. Nor does it include profits that were likely engineered in international metals markets, such as Tokyo, Sydney, Zurich, London, and the Caymen Islands. Nor does it include what must have been far greater profits derived from the shorting and naked shorting of mining equities, and the purchase of mining equity puts. All in all, the price rigging cartel surely made multiples of their $1.5 billion futures market windfall.
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