Cris Putnam: Petrus Romanus “Peter the Roman”, the Final Pope is Here!
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- Interview of Cris Putnam starts at the 67.00 minute mark.
- 19 Feb 2013 Radio Preacher Man Show – Stew Webb/Cris Putnam (Petrus Romanus)!
Guests: Stew Webb from and Cris Putnam from
It is obvious that America is under judgment. It is imperative, especially now, that we develop a close relationship with our Creator Jesus. In these end days, it is vital to hear the Word of God and then be a doer of the Word. DO YOU NEED HELP WITH THIS? Well, then, the Radio Preacher Man is the man with God’s plan! The Radio Preacher Man focuses on the Word of God and how to apply God’s principles and commandments into our daily lives. Also, informative experts and watchmen often join RPM. They share information on “taboo” subjects that churches are not discussing, such as the earth changes, nephalim, and the rise of the beast and the antichrist. RPM explores these hot topics that churches refuse to discuss!
It is extremely urgent now to get prepared, be prepared and help others prepare for His Second Coming. The Radio Preacher Man will do his best to help you prepare for eternity. Revelations per Minute airs at 6-8 p.m. Monday to Friday. If you want to talk to RPM or the guests, call 661-449-9924. The chatroom is at See you there!

Vatis Cane is Latin for the SORCERER. The head of bishops and popes end in a fish mouth, representing Oannes, the god of the Mesopotamians. The “holy” host represents the sun god, Amon-Ra. In it is engraved IHS (= Isis-Homenreb-Seb). Monks shave their heads (like the satan worshippers in Mesopotamia).Source : Alexander Hislop.
It is NO sin for priests to get married. The Biblical book Levitians says that priests m ust get married …
The “holy” Inquisition was genocide ! The popes represent the devil !