Nephilim Canaanite Altars and the Founding of the Federal Reserve! Nephilim 8′ – 8’6″ Giant Skeletons on Jekyll Island !
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- Thanks to thetruthisstrangerthanfiction for highlighting it. This is an amazing interview of Tim Bence and how the Lord led him to discover a Nephilim Giant sacrificial altar where human babies were sacrificed by the 8′ – 8’6″ supposedly native Americans. Tim Bence is of the opinion that these people were not native Americans but really descendents of the Canaanite Nephilim Giants of the Old Testament.
– - Listen to his testimony about how the Lord enabled him to destroy the many Nephilim Canaanite altars still remaining around the world and how these altars still emanate occult, evil spiritual power/influence around the region where they are found.
– - One sacrificial altar was found on Jekyll Island below the cottage where the secret meeting by Wall Street Bankers to form the Federal Reserve was held in 1910. This interview confirms what many people already know. The FedRes, the global central banking cartel is occult, Satanic in nature!
The purpose of this meeting on Jekyll Island was not to hunt ducks. Simply stated, it was to come to an agreement on the structure and operation of a banking cartel. The goal of the cartel, as is true with all of them, was to maximize profits by minimizing competition between members, to make it difficult for new competitors to enter the field, and to utilize the police power of government to enforce the cartel agreement. In more specific terms, the purpose and, indeed, the actual outcome of this meeting was to create the blueprint for the Federal Reserve System.
– The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin
– - The FedRes is an Illuminist bank owned by Illuminist banks. It is Satanic. At the heart of the power of the western Illuminati is their global fiat currency hegemony. With it they enslave the world, finance wars, manipulate prices, cause famine, destroy nations …. etc.
I have NO doubts about giants and the Illuminati AND ALL the other “secret/not-secret” societies of the world. OR of the fact that ALL of these entities work together as it is OBVIOUS, that they DO!
MY question is this: “WHO, is manipulating all of them???”