Hi there… Just came across your site, and this comment isn’t necessarily in regards to this particular post, but actually pertains to the majority of what you write about here. Just wondering if you’ve heard of or had a chance to listen to a podcast by Rob Skiba interviewing a man named Tim Bence, which is called “Canaanite altars and the Federal Reserve”…
If you haven’t listened to it yet, I think you will absolutely understand what is talked about and it really sheds light on something that I’ve never heard anywhere else, namely that directly under the cottage where the Federal Reserve system was conceived, there is actually a blood sacrifice altar built by a tribe of Nephilim who were first living on the island. Crazy stuff, but if you listen to it it’s hard to say that it’s not completely in line with things taught by guys like Tom Horn and many many others. Check it out if you haven’t already…
Hi there… Just came across your site, and this comment isn’t necessarily in regards to this particular post, but actually pertains to the majority of what you write about here. Just wondering if you’ve heard of or had a chance to listen to a podcast by Rob Skiba interviewing a man named Tim Bence, which is called “Canaanite altars and the Federal Reserve”…
If you haven’t listened to it yet, I think you will absolutely understand what is talked about and it really sheds light on something that I’ve never heard anywhere else, namely that directly under the cottage where the Federal Reserve system was conceived, there is actually a blood sacrifice altar built by a tribe of Nephilim who were first living on the island. Crazy stuff, but if you listen to it it’s hard to say that it’s not completely in line with things taught by guys like Tom Horn and many many others. Check it out if you haven’t already…