Banking Insider – V’s Alert: The World Economies have Officially Gone Dumpster Diving. A Currency Race to the Bottom Where Everyone Loses and the Banksters Win!
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Above broadcast on 11 Jan 2013
- V’S ALERT:Tthe world economies have officially gone dumpster diving. A currency race to the bottom where everyone loses and the Banksters win!
by , 13 Feb 2013
Wow what an opening to a new year. Anyone one who has been following my posts on this site knows I have been calling for a currency war for some time now. You would also know that on my Jan 11th interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann radio (see top of post) show I detailed the coming chaos in Japan, its economic implosion and the push to go to war with China. Also detailed was the Feds backroom deals with the eurobanks. So where do we stand today? Well The funny thing in all of this and what I want you to follow in the next few weeks is this:
1. Japanese economic/monetary. Meltdown.
2. Eurozone will choke Germany. With the desire to better buttress the EUR/USD ratio while the world deflates the clueless eurocrats will inflate the Euro killing the the exports and the economy of the only country left standing in that socialist cessation pit; Germany. Look for a duetch mark resurgence movement to spring up faster than a Polka dancer at an Octoberfest. This time though it will be Germany’s industrialists that will be screaming bloody murder.
3. The time is coming with the advent of currency war…metals will go Apollo 11 because Washington we have a problem: faith in US t-bills will be deteriorate faster than ever as the illusion of paper safe havens will become nightmares, the herd mentality will kick in and you will see a mass migration to metals.
4. Get it while it is hot. Silver is still the best buy and platinum and palladium are the come back kids of 2013. As war kicks off look for these two cousins to stay strong.
5. Bank hacks: I can not emphasize how serious this is getting the time to get your majority deposits out of banks is now. The recent hacks and “site down for maintenance” is the betatest soon it will be the real thing and by then it will be too late.
Keep an eye on these things in the next few weeks…and relisten to that hagmann broadcast with me and Steve Quayle it is as headlining today as it was back on Jan 11 (see top of post).