Cybergeddon Imminent: Banksters Hiring Al Qaeda To Collapse System?!
- Note the latest psyop by the western MSM: China hackers (ie. military) are cyber attacking the US. This is to spread the propaganda that China is becoming the #1 enemy to prepare for a future war against China obviously!
Sophisticated cyber-attack hits Energy Department, China possible suspect!
US looking at action against China cyberattacks!
NY Times Privately Repels China’s Cyber Attack!
Chinese cyber attacks on West are widespread, experts say!
– - Cybergeddon Imminent – Banksters Hiring Al Qaeda To Collapse System!
In a special report, Trainwreck Tommy reports on his insider’s tip to be prepared for a massive cyber attack within the next 6 months.
The implications are enormous, as the banksters potentially have an opportunity to hire contract labor to sabotage the system; collapse the banks; and steal 30-40% of the deposits overnight.
Pete says that they also have an opportunity to push the blame of the system collapsing on false flag “terrorists”, and recommends that everyone protect their money by pulling all their money out of the banks.