Israeli Strike Inside Syria Puts Middle East on High Alert !
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
“The prevailing estimate in military and intelligence circles in Washington and NATO capitals is that the Israeli air attack on the Syrian military site near Damascus was but the opening shot for the coming round of military blows they expect to be exchanged in the near future between Israel, Syria and Hezbollah, with Iran possibly …
Harvey Organ: A Massive 43.26 Tonnes of Gold Standing for Delivery in Feb on Crimex!! by Today we had first day notice and what a surprise. We had a massive 1,391,000 million oz of gold stand or 43.26 tonnes of gold. I have been following the gold and silver comex data from the mid …
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Revelation 13:4 New King James Version (NKJV) 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” – All wars are based on deception! – Sun Tzu, the Art of War! Set for take-off: …
To be precise these global power elites are really the 13 Satanic bloodlines consisting mainly of the Black Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy! The western Illuminati own/control the global central banking cartel, the source of their Mammon power. Most large MNCs are owned/controlled by them usually via many Illuminist ‘philanthropic’ foundations, hedge funds, global banks …
Rush To Safety: Americans Buy Nearly Half a Billion Dollars Of Gold and Silver In January!! by Mac Slavo, While public officials may be ignoring the continued deterioration of our economy, job losses to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people weekly, and the unprecedented demand for government emergency support services like unemployment …
[youtube=] “The American Government Is Launching A New War! Some of this country’s 7500 drones maybe about to take off with new targets in their sights!” – Quote Daniel 7:23 (New King James Version) 23 “Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other …
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[youtube=] Syria Threatens “Surprise” Response To Israel Air Raid; Iran And Russia Pile In! by Tyler Durden, In the aftermath of yesterday’s surprising attack by Israel on Syrian soil, an act which any prior justification notwithstanding is a clear act of war sovereign aggression, it was only a matter of time before Syria responded, …
Countdown to the Collapse?! by John Butler, On multiple fronts there appears to have been a resumption of hostilities in the global currency wars. A subtle indication of this is the recently released report, Gold, the Renminbi and the Multi-Currency Reserve System, which I believe is highly significant for two reasons: First, it demonstrates …
Europe “Fixed” Facade Crumbling As German Retail Sales Implode! by Tyler Durden, Remember all those soaring German confidence indices that said ignore the negative GDP print and focus on a future so bright, ze Germans’ve got to wear Zeiss? Appears the confidence may have been a tad massaged upwards because following a spate of …
QB Projects Shadow Gold Price To Be $15,000 In One Year! by Today the man whose firm is well known for its $10,000 gold call told King World News he now believes that the price of gold should be substantially higher based on what has transpired with central banks. Here is what Paul Brodsky, …
Key Charts, Propaganda, Gold, Silver & The Ongoing Collapse! by As investors get ready to kiss the month of January goodbye, today Egon von Greyerz sent King World News 2 tremendous charts and gave one of his most powerful interviews ever. Here is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland, …
Japan gold rush amid weakening yen! by With the yen continuing to spiral downwards, gold is becoming a quick favorite in terms of investment options with gold prices in Japan hitting a 32 year high. That’s despite international gold prices going in the opposite direction trending lower since the beginning of this year. – …
Retailers That Will Close the Most Stores! by Douglas A. McIntyre, Samuel Weigley, Alexander E.M. Hess and Michael B. Sauter, 24/7 Wall St., It is the time of year again, when America’s largest retailers release those critical holiday season figures and disclose their annual sales. A review of these numbers tells us a great …
[youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=] Mr. Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish industrialist born in New York, wrote in the Economic Council Letter published there of October 15 1947: “These Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the Promised Land. They are the direct descendants of the …
[youtube=] Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political …