James Turk: The Cartel Getting Desperate In The Gold & Silver War!

- Turk – The Cartel Getting Desperate In The Gold & Silver War!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today James Turk told King World News that the ‘cartel’ which has been manipulating the gold and silver markets is now entering a stage where the situation is becoming more desperate. This is yet another fascinating chapter in the gold and silver war. Here is what Turk had to say: “The last few days have given us a good example of how the gold cartel operates, Eric. It is a classic example of how the big players in the paper market can move the price of physical gold and silver.”
“On Wednesday, just a few days ago and after the Fed announced its new QE program that is so bullish for the precious metals, silver closed above short-term resistance around $33.20. Gold rose that day too, but interestingly, did not manage to close above its key short-term resistance level at $1720. Nevertheless, as one would expect, these price jumps are a result of a lot of new buying that came into the market in response to the Fed’s new program aimed at debasing the dollar by funding the federal government’s horrendous operating deficits….
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