Illuminist Predictive Programming: Sandy Hook & Aurora in Dark Knight Rises Batman Movie! Illuminati Genocide Psyop to Kill the 2nd Amendment !
- If SANDY HOOK And AURORA Are BOTH In The Dark Knight Rises… What Are The Odds?
In the Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” there is a scene where the word ‘AURORA’ shows in bright RED LETTERS on a tall building. We have not personally seen the film and cannot validate this scene as actually being in it. We would appreciate any input and a video freeze frame from The Dark Knight proving Aurora name on a high-rise does, indeed, appear.
- There is a second scene where they are looking at a map where a major crime is expected to happen. Someone then points to the map where the expected crime is going to occur…and puts his fingers right under the words ‘Sandy Hook’.
The global evil running this planet are known to often telegraph their plans in advance… a smug and arrogant mocking laugh at the helpless, hapless sheep. Is this such an act? Or just a coincidence or misinformation?
– - HOWEVER, the AURORA is also seen in the current James Bond release, ‘Skyfall’. Here is a freeze frame at :41 seconds of the trailer at :
– - There is another scene in the film where they are looking at a map. On the lower left of that map is Sandy Hook. Here is a freeze frame of that scene… (watch video top of post)

- Here is a freeze frame when the actor puts his finger right below ‘Sandy Hook’.

- Notes
1. In the blockbuster movie Matrix…released in 1999…the lead character Neo’s passport expired on 9-11-2001. (see bottom of post)
2. The AURORA is Shanghai’s Aurora Plaza. Shanghai is a major motion picture venue and may have been used to create part of the Gotham City skyline. We have not seen the film. For more about the Aurora Plaza:
3. Several have written in and noted the coincidence of Hurricane Sandy’s $50 billion disaster and the name Sandy Hook.
Check this film out from the 70s it’s very rare and shows the occult.
the sandy hook part is a 1:58:36 and he puts his hand on it 2 seconds later
not a coincidence, definitely!!!