‘Dark Knight Rises’ Scene Eerily Shows “Sandy Hook” Written on Map!
- ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Scene Eerily Shows “Sandy Hook” Written on Map!
by http://www.infowars.com/
Bizarre evidence that the Sandy Hook massacre in Connecticut may have been staged has surfaced in the form of YouTube videos which point out the words “Sandy Hook” were written on a map that appeared in the most recent Dark Knight movie, a startling revelation given the deluge of mysterious coincidences already plaguing the movie.
According to numerous YouTube videos, a scene appears in which Commissioner Gordon points at a Gotham City map and confusingly, directly to the words “Sandy Hook.” At least one user who tried to upload a similar video pointing out this curious coincidence had it strangely removed.
Another YouTube video asserts that the word “Aurora” also appeared in the movie, further fanning the flames of conspiracy swirling about the movie. In July, following the Aurora “Dark Knight” massacre, we wrote how the audience in the theater the night of the fateful shooting was made to watch a trailer in which gangsters in the upcoming Gangster Squad movie shot through a screen at audience members. The controversial scene was later scrubbed from the trailer altogether. Warner Brothers alleged that, up until the night of the shooting, they had “forgotten” that the trailer contained the scene.
Another shocking coincidence came in the form of a Lil Wayne music video that absurdly featured skeletons in a movie theater. The video was released just days before the Aurora massacre took place.
As more of these “strange coincidences” continue to pop up, it would take a fool not to question the motive behind it all: Is this all part of an evil pre-conditioning program?
This definitely begins to tread into Satanic and occult territory, the purpose of which is known to only a select few in tight-knit circles at the very top branches of various secret societies.
In a June 2012 article, Jurriaan Maessen described predictive programming, stating, “Classic predictive programming is usually set in motion to desensitize a target audience to a concept, a possibility, or an event- so when an idea is finally introduced into society, or when an event actually occurs, they have been carefully foreshadowed, pre-programmed you might say, in the minds of people.”
As we have seen continually in the past, pre-conditioning and predictive programming go hand-in-hand in preparing, subconsciously, the minds of the masses for an event of ritual sacrifice.
Take, for instance, what some have called a “mega ritual” event: 9/11. If 9/11 was set to be one of the largest mass rituals in history, it would require some of the grandest predictive programming that could be conjured, beginning as early as 1993 with various questionable insertions into the popular Simpsons TV show.
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“The Lone Gunman” was written by intelligent writers who recognized the obvious weakness of airline hijacking policy (just cooperate) and how hijacking could be used to turn an airplane into a bomb. And obvious targets for terrorists, and terrorism story writers, would be the twin towers, Pentagon, White House, or Congress. I think that good writers simply accurately predicted what terrorists would do. It’s their job. Too bad the CIA with the benefit of more information couldn’t have predicted the same.
On the other hand, “Sandy Hook” written on a “Dark Knight” map could very well have prompted Adam Langas to go shoot up Sandy Hook Elementary. Adam Langas and James Holmes (Aurora shooter) both have amazingly similar expressions and faces: very wide-eyed staring ahead, even similar facial structure, maybe similar genetics or medication/drugs or type of mental illness.
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