Globalist Control Freaks Meet Behind Closed Doors to Decide Fate of the Internet !
- Globalist Control Freaks Meet Behind Closed Doors to Decide Fate of the Internet!
by Kurt Nimmo,
While the globalist bureaucrats at the United Nations discount the possibility of a “doomsday” internet kill switch scenario, they admit that member states “already have the right, as stated in Article 34 of the Constitution of ITU [the International Telecommunications Union], to block any private telecommunications that appear ‘dangerous to the security of the State or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency,” says Hamadoun Touré, the ITU Secretary-General.
As for the larger ITU agenda, we are left in the dark because the meetings now underway in Dubai remain secret. Much of the “accompanying proposals from the global community have been kept under lock and key, although some of the positions of nations have been leaked and published online,” writes David Kravets for Wired.
A scattering of documents produced by the globalists are available via, an information service covering internet policy and governance.
In February, with the battle smoke of SOPA and PIPA still lingering, the United Nations announced its push for internet governance by the end of the year. In 2011, Russian PM Vladimir Putin said his goal is to impose “international control over the Internet” through the ITU.
“The ITU is working to globalize the radio spectrum, latest-generation wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, satellite-based meteorology along with the internet. It is positioning itself to control next-generation networks, the technology that will replace the current free and open internet,” we explained on February 22.
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