Syria’s Assad Warns of Apocalyptic War!
- The good news is that the western Illuminati’s Satanic World War 3 plan is facing major setbacks in Syria and Iran. Their original schedule of triggering the Greater Middle East war in Oct 2012 has now fallen to pieces. Syria refuses to go down. The foreign FSA terrorists appear to be soundly beaten. The west is reorganizing their efforts to relaunch their war against Syria.
– - Iran refuses to bite the bait and start the war despite numerous constant provocations, assassinations, bombings, sanctions (which are an act of war)… The Illuminists plan of painting themselves as victims and retaliating against Iranian ‘aggression’ has fallen to pieces.
– - The bad news is that the Greater Middle East war has been postponed and not cancelled. It appears the new schedule is April 2013 at the earliest. Zionist ‘666’ Israel will now be actively used as the trigger for this war! Emphasis mine:
Syria’s Assad warns of apocalyptic war!
In a rare interview with Russia Today TV, President Bashar al-Assad vigorously clarified his stance on the current Syrian crisis created by the West and some regional states including Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar and warned them of the apocalyptic consequences of any foreign intervention in Syria.
“I do not think the West is going [to intervene], but if they do so, nobody can tell what is next. I think the price of this [foreign] invasion if it happened is going to be more than the whole world can afford,” Assad said in a Thursday interview with the Russia Today TV network.
Assad warned that the domino effect of any military attack on the country “will affect the world from the Atlantic to the Pacific and you know the implication on the rest of the world.”
Assad is well aware of what the West and their Arab allies are up to and what kind of scenario they are planning to follow in his country. The Syrian crisis has been dragging on for months now and a large number of people including civilians have been killed. The sabotaging efforts of the West and the financial funding of the insurgents by regional states have not yet born any fruit whatsoever in helping these antagonistic forces to achieve their goals in Syria.
There was an initial assumption that President Assad would soon conclude that a propitious escape would be the wisest choice. However, the speculation never transcended a merely idle notion. Thanks to Iran, China and Russia, Syria stood firm and a West-prescribed recipe for the so-called peaceful transition of power never materialized in the country. Quite unexpectedly, the plans of Syrian opposition fell apart on the eve of Doha conference.
The initiative so vehemently backed by the West to form a united Syrian opposition practically went to waste on Wednesday night as the key opposition movements from inside the country pulled out. Opposition groups were scheduled to meet in Doha, the capital of Qatar on Thursday in order to appoint a new and strong leadership. However, three dissident bodies suddenly decided not to attend the meeting.
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