Renminbi Relentlessly Replacing Dollar As Reserve Currency!
“They are planning through the IMF to come up with the world currency to replace the dollar because the dollar will be replaced … come up with another paper currency controlled and ruled by the United Nations and IMF!” – Ron Paul
- The western Illuminati’s global monetary hegemony is facing its greatest threat. China together with the BRICS are working on alternatives to the petrodollar hegemony. Numerous currency swap agreements have been agreed upon between central banks of countries all over the world to bypass the USD in international trade. They are abandoning the USD!
– - I do not believe that the western Illuminati will let their hegemony go quietly into the night! It is the source of their mammon power/control over the world. With it they create trillions of dollars out of thin air to buy up the world, finance wars, destroy nations, manipulate commodity/stock prices, engineer famine …. Conflict will come about as the western Illuminati confronts the Russian/Chinese Illuminati. World war 3 will be the result. Out of it the Luciferian New World Order will arise, a One World Currency backed by gold, New Monetary Hegemony, Global Supra-National Central Bank –> ‘666’!
Renminbi Relentlessly Replacing Dollar As Reserve Currency!
by Jeff Nielso, Bullion Bulls Canada
It is no secret that China is replacing the U.S. dollar with its own currency in more and more of its bilateral trading. It’s apparent to all that the renminbi will soon have (at least) a co-equal status with the dollar as the global “reserve currency”. Yet what is rarely if ever discussed in the mainstream media are the enormous economic repercussions of a world suddenly awash with a massive glut of surplus dollars.
In most respects economics mirrors one of the basic principles of physics: for every action there is an equal-and-opposite reaction. If farmers produce a bumper-crop of wheat and supply soars, then the price falls. Similarly, if (for some reason) the demand for wheat suddenly collapsed, the price would also fall – as both a jump in supply and/or a plunge in demand result in the same state: abundant/excessive supply. And the consequence of excessive supply is always a fall in price.
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