Turkey will not Gain from War on Syria: Lawrence Freeman!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeBNrk4oPr8] On the Friday, October 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the debate last night between the two establishment vice presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. He also talks about a disabled veteran who was labeled a terrorist for trying to investigate the cost of surveillance cameras. Alex covers the faltering …
Obama State Department Stokes the Turkey-Syria Fire; Demands ‘Don’t Confuse Things With the Facts’! by http://larouchepac.com/ State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland Friday had to admit that the shipment aboard the Syrian civilian plane that was forced to land by Turkey, because it supposedly contained weapons being illegally shipped to the Syrian government, was actually “legally …
Now there’s more ice at South Pole than ever (So much for global warming thawing Antarctica!) by David Derbyshire, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ – Sea ice extended over 19.44 million square kilometers (7.51 million square miles) – Experts say record is ‘suggestive of changes in atmospheric circulation’ – Ice around the South Pole has expanded to cover a …
[gigya src=”http://plus.cnbc.com/rssvideosearch/action/player/id/3000115920/code/cnbcplayershare” width=”400″ height=”380″ quality=”high” wmode=”transparent” allowFullScreen=”true” ]
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TOaxAckFCuQ] His account of the modern history of Palestine is accurate! His dissing of the historicity of the Bible is incorrect! The 13th Tribe of Khazaria! Ashkenazi Khazars Are Not The Jews of The Bible! If almost 98% of JEWS we know today are NOT semitic, wouldn’t the term ANTI-SEMITIC be null and void? I …
The United Nations: On the Brink of Becoming a World Government ! by William F. Jasper, http://thenewamerican.com/ On October 14, 2009, Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, delivered a scathing refutation of the concept of human-caused global warming at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. During his presentation, Lord …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAubqrc1vvE] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kureFeGmoDI]
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P02vjiEZyUs] War plans secretly made against Syria: US intelligence analyst! by Gordon Duff, http://www.presstv.ir/ Americans have been told that 150 troops have been sent to Jordan to help with refugee problems from Syria.Britain is doing the same. A hundred and fifty can be “150” or it can be 800, two countries can be a dozen. – …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24AMP_bttd8] US-Israeli war on Iran would be an act of criminal stupidity! by Stephen Lendman, http://www.presstv.ir/ In Shakespearean terms, indeed that’s the question. Longstanding regime change plans are known. Means to achieve them have been ongoing for years.A previous article put it this way: – Red lines, timelines, deadlines, sanctions, sabotage, subversion, cyber attacks, assassinations, …
Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, is not the Israel of the Bible! It is a LIE perpetrated upon Christians to deceive them into supporting the FRAUD. Ashkenazi non semitic Jews Are NOT Descendents of The Biblical Israelites! Modern Ashkenazi Khazars (90+% of Modern Jewry) are NOT The Jews of The Bible! – The Israel Lobby …
Obama Pushes Turkey to War with Syria–and Russia! by http://larouchepac.com/ NATO-member Turkey has refused to disclose who it was, who told them to take the insane step of forcing down a Syrian passenger airliner transiting from Russia on Wednesday, Oct. 10, but it could only have been Obama,— or his puppetmasters of the British Royal …
U.S. and Israel preparing attack on Iran? by Prensa Latina, http://english.pravda.ru/ The U.S. and Israel are planning an attack on nuclear facilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran using bombers and unmanned aircraft. It was unveiled today in the magazine Foreign Policy. The publication quotes a source who was in on the discussions between the two …