World War III Could Start on the Syria-Turkey Border at Any Moment !
- World War III Could Start on the Syria-Turkey Border at Any Moment!
Monday, Oct. 8, marked the sixth straight day of Turkish shelling across the Syrian border in retaliation for shells which have hit Turkey from Syria — even though U.S. military professionals such as Col (ret.) Pat Lang and others have said that the shells which hit Turkey from Syria may have been fired by the murderous Syrian so-called rebels, many of them supported by Turkey.
It is obvious that this situation could devolve into World War III virtually in hours, so that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned Monday that “the escalation of the conflict along the Syrian-Turkish border and the impact of the crisis on Lebanon are extremely dangerous,” as AFP reported.
Heightening the tension, Turkish PM Erdogan made more threats against Syria on Tuesday, and dispatched the Chief of Staff, Gen. Necdet Ozel, to the border area. Russian President Putin will try to defuse the situation when he visits Turkey over the Oct. 13-14 weekend, if it has not already blown fully out of control.