NATO Terrorists Bomb School in Syria!

- NATO Terrorists Bomb School in Syria!
by Tony Cartalucci, Contributor, Activist Post
France seeks no-fly zone over Syria to repeat Al Qaeda Benghazi-blowback.
As NATO desperately attempts to cover up a botched false flag operation in Benghazi, Libya which left a high-ranking US diplomat dead, France has urged a repeat performance in Syria. That is, arming and providing air support for the very terrorist battalions now operating in Syria that have ravaged and overrun Libya, leaving it a perpetually wrecked, destabilized terrorist epicenter.
The announcement made by French President Francois Hollande came on the heels of a deadly terrorist bombing in Damascus targeting a school rebels claim baselessly claim was being used by Syrian security forces.
Western propagandists are now calling the school a “security building.” Reuters reported in their article, “Syrian rebels bomb security building in Damascus:”
Protection for ‘liberated’ areas would require no-fly zones enforced by foreign aircraft, which could stop deadly air raids by Assad’s forces on populated areas. But there is little chance of securing a Security Council mandate for such action given the continuing opposition of veto-wielding members Russia and China. Before quoting Hollande who said: ‘How long can we accept the paralysis at the U.N.?’
To answer Mr. Hollande’s question, one might look toward Libya where an identical campaign of violent subversion based on similar lies regarding the “protection of civilians,” was carried out by NATO and proxy terrorist organizations who were in fact listed by the UN itself as affiliates of the notorious global terror network Al Qaeda.
The NATO-led, UN-mandated evisceration of Libya put power into the hands of genocidal, racist terror battalions who literally scoured entire cities of their inhabitants either massacring, imprisoning, or exiling them all beyond Libya’s borders
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