Iran, Israel And U.S. Inching Towards War in the Middle East !
- Greg Hunter is a good guy. I am very wary of all the propaganda which the western MSM dish out against Ahmadinejad. They have consistently mis-translated what he says intentionally to paint him as a Jew hater. This is not true from all my studies of him. The Illuminist method is: if they can’t convince you, they confuse you! So expect propaganda, outright lies, mis-information, dis-information … from the western Illuminist MSM … which will confuse many good people.
Iran, Israel and U.S. Inching Towards War in the Middle East!
by Greg Hunter’s
There were lots of fireworks at the United Nations this week. Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, was drawing a red line of his own on a crude picture of a bomb. Don’t laugh, because he was really talking to the U.S. audience in illustrating his point that Iran is getting close to building a nuclear bomb. It was simple but effective. Earlier in the week, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected charges that his country was becoming a nuclear threat to the world. He cleared up the controversy about the quote “wiping Israel off the face of the earth” and said he was talking about “occupied territories.” Ahmadinejad says he has long been misquoted.
Ahmadinejad keeps saying he wants peace but contradicted himself earlier in the week when he said Israel will be “eliminated” because it does not belong in the Middle East. President Obama also addressed the UN and told Iran that the time to resolve the nuclear standoff peacefully was “not unlimited.” Obama also said, “. . . United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” By the way, Iran test fired anti-ship missiles this week. The world is inching towards war, not away from it. We’ve all heard about the “unlimited” QE (money printing) by the Federal Reserve it says is to revive the economy.
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