The FedRes’ US Land-Grab Hidden Within Purchase of Mortgage-Backed Securities!
- The Fed’s US Land-Grab Hidden Within Purchase of Mortgage-Backed Securities!
by Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism
As of August 9th of this year, the banks are legally allowed to co-mingle customer segregated funds with their own if the financial institution is insolvent, under duress or in bankruptcy. In other words, the technocrats have made the theft that Jon Corzine committed a non-criminal offense.
The latest scheme of the banking cartels has been introduced as QE3, which is nothing more than a massive land-grab in the domestic US by the technocrats under the guise of purchasing the mortgage-backed securities through the Federal Reserve to alleviate the pressure the banks are feeling from the bait-and-switch they caused.
Essentially, as the Fed buys the mortgage-backed securities, the central bankers now own all those properties which were bundled and securitized. The experts are still coming to terms with how many homes, small business, small farms and other lands were mixed-up into this Ponzi scheme. The actual total numbers of victimized Americans are continuing to rise and are currently unknown. However, it is clear that as this monster grows, it will be the Federal Reserve at the helm, making sure that more Americans are displaced and foreclosed on.
It is not the value they are after. Bernanke sets the tone for that with interest rates. It is the physical property that interests the central bankers. And this is a massive land-grab – the likes of which has never been attempted in the US and are likely to be a major contributor to our downfall as a sovereign nation. Through the mortgage-backed securities, the central bankers will literally own most of the domestic US.
Charles Plosser, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, stated that purchasing toxic assets is investing in “diminishing returns” and that “the evidence is not strong that somehow more (bond purchases) are going to help the unemployment rate move faster to where we’d like it to be. I don’t see that there is much benefit.”
Under QE3, the US dollar will be devalued even further, driving prices up on food, gas, utility bills and every else we purchase with Federal Reserve notes. This global Ponzi scheme moves newly printed money into the expanded infinity that is hyperinflation.
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