Former State Dept. Veteran, Dr. Steve Pieczenik Drops Bombshell: WWIII Starts Sept. 25 ?!
- Dr. Steve Pieczenik (Jew) is an insider, a member of the Illuminist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He is also a Black Ops Colonel and wrote the book on psychological warfare. I do not trust anyone who is a member of the CFR! However, what he says in the interview is mostly truthful and accurate. I am in agreement that WW3 is about to start.
– - The western Illuminati’s global currency hegemony is collapsing. IMO, there is a 90% probability they will attack Iran (using Zionist ’666′ Israel) in Sep-Oct and only 10% chance that it will be pushed backed to April 2013! The longer the delay, the greater the extent to which the Chinese Yuan will take hold in financial transactions, especially oil trade! The western Illuminati would much rather sacrifice the world to thermonuclear WW3 than lose their control over the world: their global monetary hegemony! Emphasis and remarks mine:
Former State Dept. Veteran Drops Bombshell: WWIII Starts Sept. 25!?
Speaking with Infowars’ Alex Jones, former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik says Israel plans to attack Iran before the U.S. elections of Nov. 6., and, that an attack on Iran will assuredly kickoff WWIII, according to him.
Moreover, Pieczenik, a man whose career inspired the character Jack Ryan of the Tom Clancy book series, says the ‘October Surprise’ will not take place in October. Instead, the big surprise will come earlier, in late September.
Dr. Pieczenik says the specific date of the strike on Iran is Sept. 25th or 26th, Yom Kippur—the Jewish holiday, which commences in the year 2012 at sundown on the 25th, and ends at nightfall, the following day.
“It [an Israeli attack on Iran] could be earlier than October, because we have Yom Kippur. And I predicted on your radio show, and I predicted to our national security people, privately, that Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu would start something on Rosh Hashanah,” says Pieczenick.
“This [prediction] was over a year ago, and I said it on your radio show. He was as predictable as a clock, and the Israelis will be very predictable, on Yom Kippur,” he adds.
Pieczenik says it’s clear to him that Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu has already planned to attack Iran and has been desperately trying to enlist the U.S. to back him up. But, with or without U.S. direct help, Pieczenik is certain that Israel will attack Iran.
Moreover, he says Netanyahu is an extremest, who will “lie” for his personal and selfish cause, a conclusion also drawn by many Israelis who protest his regime.
“Everything Bibi is saying to the Americans and the American Jews is an absolute, unmitigated lie,” Pieczenik, a Jew, himself, says forcefully, “What we have here is a collusion between Saudi Arabia, neocon Jews of America and Israel, against a president, who, whether I like or dislike, and may have lied about Osama Bin Laden,” he adds, “he [President Obama] is the son . . . a son of a CIA operative, the grandson of a CIA operative, who understands very well what the issues of intelligence are.”
With help from his neocon friends, Netanyahu threatens the entire world with the suicidal notion that Iran must be attacked, and the Israeli prime minister must be stopped, even if it means assassination, according to Pieczenik. (I do not support this ie. assassination!)
“In a couple of weeks, they [Israel, Saudi and neocons] will try to initiate another war, unless their ex-Mossad operatives and their ex-Shin Bet will take out Netanyahu, and do to Netanyahu what happened to Rabin,” exclaims Pieczenik. “They know what I’m talking about. Otherwise he will bring down Israel, the world, and there will be a third world war.”
He also says, “What we are, is [sic] at the brink of war, that is being precipitated by two major countries. That is, Israel, particularly Bibi Netanyahu, who knows his country is failing economically, socially, politically.” And the other country is “Saudi Arabia.”
Pieczenik says the Israelis, Saudis and neocons were behind the 9-11 attacks, (This is accurate. But so are the CIA, members in the US government and Pentagon! Ie. The Illuminist shadow government!) an accusation also made some years ago by many researchers of the incident. Once considered a crazy idea forwarded by some ‘conspiracy theorists’, who seek to see a conspiracy in every major world event, the conspiracy theorists have been mostly vilified, though no reinvestigation of the 9-11 incident has been seriously proposed by any member of Congress.
Today, the ‘conspiracy theory’, or ‘inside job’ theory, appears to be much, much closer to ‘fact’ than the account of that day was published through the official Congressional report of 9-11, giving rise to a strong possibility of a Mossad, Saudi and neocon conspiracy to carryout a false-flag attack on the United States and blame the crime on Osama bin Laden, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Given evidence of Mossad’s checkered past and involvement with the attack of the USS Liberty on Jun. 8, 1967, killing 34 American soldiers, Pieczenik comments won’t be received as a big surprise to many Americans. (USS Liberty massacre/genocide by the Zionists is a historical fact!)
I want Netanyahu to “begin telling the truth, that the involvement of Israel was, in 9-11” says Pieczenik. “Over 134 Mossad operatives were picked up on 9-11. The FBI picked them up [and] debriefed them. They were clearly involved with the Pakistani ISI and Saudi Arabian intelligence” on 9-11.
And, as far as the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Steven: he was murdered by the Israeli, Saudi Arabia and Zionist neocons cabal, according to Pieczenik.
“The killing of the ambassador is to precipitate war, so that Israel can finally get into Iran and try to destroy Iran,” he says. “It will be the beginning of the end of Israel. It’s Armageddon for Israel,” if it attacks Iran. (I agree! Zionist ‘666’ Israel will be employed to destroy the Muslim Middle East and will itself be destroyed in the end! This is the Satanic WW3 plan!)
“The Pentagon source informed me the distance between the Libyan embassy, where the ambassador was, and where the rioters were, was so large, and two days of delay in response . . ., simply that they [the killers of Stevens and three other embassy employees] were professionals ready to take out our ambassador,” he adds, and with the “approval from Saudi Arabia.”
Adding to Saudi Arabia’s involvement of the two-plane demolition job in NY City, the crash of another alleged plane into the Pentagon, and the alleged downing of another plane into the woodlands of Pennsylvania, he says, “Saudi Arabia and Israel are twins. . . . There’s no way you can separate Israel from Saudi Arabia, or Saudi Arabia from Israel. They go back all the way to 9-11.” (The House of Saud is Jewish! Don’t let their feigned Anti-Jewish remarks fool you. It is a psyop to control the sheeple!)
Then the subject of the killing of alleged mastermind of 9-11, Osama bin Laden. According to Pieczenik, the account of Navy Seal Admiral William McRaven and President Obama regarding bin Laden’s death in Pakistan is another unmitigated “lie.”
“Then we get to the issue of Osama Bin Laden, which Obama said incorrectly and lied to the public that Osama Bin Laden was killed by Seal Team 6,” states Pieczenik. “Admiral McRaven had lied, repeatedly—unfortunately, a decent admiral, but for whatever reason he repeatedly insisted on saying Seal Team 6 killed Osama Bin Laden.” Pieczenik says Bin Laden had already been dead, and McRaven had known that.
And the names that came out of 9-11 unofficial investigation are, what Pieczenik calls, the “neocon chicken hawks” of “Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams and Michael Chertoff.” He adds, “Chernoff, the Chernoff Group, which is nothing more than a cover for the CIA and FBI, run by Charles Allen, a former CIA operative.”
Moreover, U.S. intelligence was behind the uprising in Libya, the assassination of Libyan president Muammar al-Gaddafi, and the murder of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, according to Pieczenik. “Why this particular ambassador,” Pieczenik asks, rhetorically. “I think it’s very important for your audience to understand . . . Stevens was an ‘Arabist’. . . ”
He goes on to explain to the Infowars listeners that so-called Arabists are experts of Arabic culture, language and Arab history. But, these State Dept. professionals also could pose a threat to Israel’s ongoing propaganda war in a long-standing effort to elicit sympathy for the Jewish state. Israel is no friend of America, according to Pieczenik.
He says, “From a geopolitical point of view, Israel is a strategic liability and has been a strategic liability for over 20 years. Since 1968, we have had no for Israel other than the fact it covered us under the Soviet Union on the eastern, southern and northern flank.”

SOMEBODY- some host on the radio needs to interview PIECZENIK asap. Where are all the brave patriots who are always blustering about their bravery and defense of the constitution and truth?
The date of Sept 25 Yom Kippur WW3 start date is NOT the big news here. That date is easily changable and fluid- ESPECIALLY if its been leaked like this guy did. What is news is the revelation of Israel’s part in 911 by such a highly placed, established credible insider source. A source AJ has himself featured for over a decade.
The jew connection to 911- THAT is the real reason Jones has barred his followup interview. He made his fame by a lie (that he predicted 911 when he stole the date from Cooper).
What a disgrace he is, and what a disgrace the American people are for tolerating every lie, abuse, crime and fake ‘spokesman’ clown they throw at us in exchange for the comfort of living lives of ease.
ALEX JONES=MSM for the alleged awakened. WW 3 whatever the date, will wreak the karma we deserve. Then all the excuses will be rendered moot and karma will kick in.