Lindsey Williams: The Illuminati Elites And Their Coming Luciferian New World Order!
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- 5 September 2012 interview, also available on YouTube:
– - Deep Earth Bunker Radio Lindsey Williams 5 Sept 2012 Special
Lindsey Williams – Pastor Lindsey Williams had the opportunity to sit, live and rub shoulders with the “Elite,” the most powerful, controlling and manipulative men on the face of this planet. He will unveil the truth behind the elite plan for humanity and this planet. He will discuss when our dollar will collapse, (because he is told by the elite) the secrets of the Illuminati, their current plans and how to save yourself and your homes!
Why did Lindsey Williams leave out saying anything about US Government might close down?
“the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” 1 John 5:19.
It would be wrong to suppose that a coming luciferian new world order was somehow more demonic or more fallen than this present world.
If people are led to focus on a coming evil world empire as the manifestation of an antichrist kingdom, they will have been completely deceived and failed to perceive that they themselves were already enshrined in the kingdoms of this world.
Whoever you are, take care, the whole world follows after the Beast already.
These kind of articles are false flag, misleading and distract one from seeing the truth.