We Will Be Destroyed By Inflation That Paralyzes The Economy!
- We Will Be Destroyed By Inflation That Paralyzes The Economy!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today legendary value investor Jean-Marie Eveillard, who oversees $60 billion, warned King World News that we are headed towards runaway inflation and an economy that will become paralyzed by the enormous distortions created by this inflation. Here is what Eveillard had to say: “Inflation creates enormous distortions, and if you take the extreme example of Weimar Germany in the early 30s, it (inflation) paralyzes and almost destroys economic activity because the distortions become gigantic.”
“The distortions were illustrated, in the Weimar Republic days, by the fact that you had to pile bank notes into wheelbarrows in order to buy a loaf of bread. Inflation, because of the distortions it introduces, ends up paralyzing an economy. Incidentally, I remember that (Dr.) Anna Schwartz, before she passed away, objected very strongly to the policies put in place by Bernanke….
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