Unstoppable Economic Collapse is Imminent !
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Prepare For War, Skyrocketing Crude & A Global Depression! by www.kingworldnews.com Today Michael Pento warned King World News readers to prepare for war in the Middle-East and a massive surge in the price of crude oil. Pento also warned that the staggering surge in crude would usher in a global depression. Today Michael Pento writes …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp4_VV9RpR4] James Turk talks to GoldSeek’s Chris Waltzek about his work on the fear index, which Turk states is currently only 10% of the peak reached in the 1930′s. Turk states he expects the fear index to continue escalating as the banking/debt crisis accelerates, meaning gold’s bull market has much further to run. end
Emphasis mine: – Bank of England deputy governor Paul Tucker warned banks they could collapse ‘before Christmas’! by Harry Wilson, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Bank of England officials were so concerned about the potential for a financial crisis late last year they took the extraordinary step of warning the entire banking system could collapse “before Christmas”. – Paul Tucker, …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI-yroqQiRo] This episode revolves around the US drone attacks in Pakistan and the rising number of civilian casualties. Studies show most of those killed in US drone attacks in Pakistan are civilians. This, as the US claims that drones only target al-Qaeda militants. As the US drone attacks continue in Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Somalia, …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glVVcDhHt2E] The 13th Tribe of Khazaria! Ashkenazi Khazars Are Not The Jews of The Bible! If almost 98% of JEWS we know today are NOT semitic, wouldn’t the term ANTI-SEMITIC be null and void? I made this video with 3 Jewish friends who admit they are not Semites!!!! – “Many [modern-day Jews] of whom have …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mEfJO0-cTis] “Why in the World are They Spraying?” Full Length Documentary HD by www.Infowars.com August 19, 2012 WHY in the World are They Spraying? is an investigative documentary into one of the many hidden agendas associated with chemtrail/geo-engineering programs. Various groups are quietly pursuing these programs, but why and for whose gain? – This film …
Emphasis mine: – Americans tired of Netanyahu’s clownish anti-Iran threats! by Gordon Duff, http://www.presstv.ir/ We have one thing in our news every day now, secret plans Israel leaks about their upcoming “shock and awe” attack on Iran. We don’t get it once a week, it’s a new story every 2 hours on every network, every …
Finland prepares for break-up of eurozone! by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Finland is preparing for the break-up of the eurozone, the country’s foreign minister warned today. – The Nordic state is battening down the hatches for a full-blown currency crisis as tensions in the eurozone mount and has said it will not tolerate further bail-out creep or …
Israeli Commentator: General Dempsey Is a ‘Responsible Adult’! by http://larouchepac.com/ Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey’s campaign to prevent World War III, especially the pressure he is putting on Israel, is being seen as the work of “a responsible adult,” in the words of an Israeli commentator. This is especially so …
When will the euro collapse? It’s already dead ! by Matthew Lynn, http://www.marketwatch.com/ LONDON (MarketWatch) — Anyone who spends their time analyzing the euro debt crisis will know that there is one question you get asked again and again. When will the single currency finally collapse? You can have fun giving a spuriously precise answer — …
Russia Prepared for Possible Economic Meltdown – Putin! by http://en.ria.ru/ The Russian economy is prepared for a possible economic meltdown as a result of the slowing of global growth and the escalating eurozone debt crisis, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. At a meeting with regional ombudsmen, Putin said the situation was complex both in …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nvqzXM_rlw] Jim Rogers: It’s Going To Get Really “Bad After The Next Election”! By Terry Weiss, Money Morning In a riveting interview on CNBC, legendary investor Jim Rogers warned Americans to prepare for “Financial Armageddon,” saying he fully expects the economy to implode after the U.S. election. – Rogers, who for years has been an …
[gigya src=”http://www.blogtalkradio.com/btrplayer.swf?file=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eblogtalkradio%2Ecom%2Ffreedomizerradio%2F2012%2F08%2F07%2Fproof%2Dnegative%2Dshow%2Dreal%2Dpatriot%2Dnews%2D%2Fplaylist%2Exml&autostart=false&bufferlength=5&volume=80&borderweight=1&bordercolor=#999999&backgroundcolor=#FFFFFF&dashboardcolor=#0098CB&textcolor=#F0F0F0&detailscolor=#FFFFFF&playlistcolor=#999999&playlisthovercolor=#333333&cornerradius=10&callback=http://www.blogtalkradio.com/flashplayercallback.aspx&C1=7&C2=6042973&C3=31&C4=&C5=&C6=&hostname=FreedomizerRadio&hosturl=http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio” width=”262″ height=”131″ quality=”high” wmode=”transparent” allowFullScreen=”true”] Lindsey Williams : Proof Negative Show: Patriot News – August 6, 2012 by http://lindseywilliams101.blogspot.com/ Welcome to the Proof Negative Show, home of REAL Patriot News. Proof describes how we need to free ourselves from the Republican-Democrat boxes the Global Elites placed us in. Come join us & let …