In The News Today: Geithner is on a Trip To Fix The Problems of The Euro!
In The News Today: Geithner is on a Trip To Fix The Problems of The Euro! Jim Sinclair’s Commentary: end
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
In The News Today: Geithner is on a Trip To Fix The Problems of The Euro! Jim Sinclair’s Commentary: end
New Spin: Attack Syria To Fight Al-Qaeda! by Paul Joseph Watson, NATO powers helped put Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria in the first place We are now clearly entering a new phase in the propaganda war with regard to Syria, heralded by the NATO-aligned establishment now using the presence of Al-Qaeda fighters in the country, …
[youtube=] Thank you Mike Maloney for having the testicles, the intestinal fortitude, to tell the Illuminist banksters to piss off! end
The western MSM propaganda on Syria is breaking down. The idea that this is an internal uprising by Syrians fighting against oppression is nonsensical. This whole operation is a western CIA fomented terrorist attack! This semi propaganda piece is admitting that many of these fighters are foreigners! Which organization has a history of employing mercenaries, …
Are US and NATO employing HAARP against Iran (& China & Russia) ? My suspicion is Yes! The spate of unnatural weather not just in Iran, China and Russia but also record breaking drought in US, raises my suspicion. The Illuminists want to foment violence, wars, chaos, famine, drought, ‘natural’ man-made disasters, earthquakes, social breakdown …
[youtube=] “All wars are based on deception!” – SunTzu, The Art of War. At the heart of the western Illuminati is their global central banking cartel. This is their main source of power: their control over fiat currencies. Practically all central banks are privately owned Illuminist corporations. These banksters are taking over the world! end
[youtube=] “Al Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus! It is extremely well documented ! Many of the terrorist attacks are in fact orchestrated by the US intelligence and military!” – Michel Chossudovsky, 7:40 onwards WikiLeaks, as any informed person knows, is a CIA operation. Ask yourself this: Cui Bono, whenever WikiLeaks expose …
[youtube=] “The ultimate goal that these people have in mind … is the goal to create a One World Government run by the banking industry .. run by the bankers! … The whole agenda is to create a One World Government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted !” – Aaron Russo 0:15 onwards – …
Al Qaeda (the Database) is really just a list of names of mercenaries, criminal thugs, jihadists … under the employment of the CIA. It is a tool of western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI6, Mossad …etc. The financing, recruiting, training, logistical supplies, management, target planning/acquisition, organization, war planning … are all done by these Illuminist agencies. These Illuminist agencies …
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Forget about all the official debt to GDP statistics out of the Eurozone. It is a fact that governments provide fraudulent statistics. The official debt to GDP for Germany is about 82%. What they don’t tell you is that it excludes: unfunded liabilities, off-balance sheet items… etc. If I were to use the same method of …
Wealth cannot be created by printing money, by creating fiat money out of thin air. If QE can solve our economic problems I will be the first to push for it. Heck, why not just create, out of thin air, $1million for each man, woman, child and their pet dog! Abolish all taxes, if the …
Let me assure you that in the end, Illuminist central banksters will QE to infinity! This will destroy fiat currencies! All the ‘news’ are largely political theatre for sheeple consumption. The Illuminists do have a plan and they are executing it. The coming destruction of fiat currencies will not be an accident. It is a deliberate, engineered crisis for …
Near bankrupt Greece warns it is running out of cash! by NEAR-bankrupt Greece is fast running out of cash while it waits for its next instalment of aid from international lenders, a deputy finance minister said on Tuesday, sounding the alarm on the country’s precarious financial position. – Greece’s European partners have repeatedly promised …
Why a Euro-Zone Crisis Can’t Be Avoided Very Much Longer! By Michael Sivy, Each postponement of financial disaster in the euro zone seems likely to last for a shorter time, and the U.S. won’t be able to escape the fallout indefinitely – Stocks rallied powerfully late last week after European Central Bank President Mario Draghi …
Spain says up to $200 billion left country by May! by Associated Press MADRID (AP) — Spain’s central bank says €163 billion ($200 billion) has been pulled out of Spain in the first five months of the year, reflecting plunging confidence in the government’s ability to manage its financial problems. – Figures released Tuesday showed …