Nearly a Quarter of Spanish Workforce is Jobless as Unemployment Levels Hit Record High!

- You cannot solve a debt problem with more debts(bailouts)! The western MSM constantly trumpets the idea that the Illuminist central banksters eventually are our only saviors. This is false! They are the ones orchestrating the financial rape of the entire Eurozone while pretending to be the rescuers. The Satanic methods are subtlety and deception. It is all about repeating an audacious BIG LIE constantly to the sheeple.
– - Let me repeat the Illuminist plan: a global economic, financial and currency meltdown leading to World War 3! The collapse will start in the PIIGS, spread to the rest of Europe, UK, Japan, China, Asia … and finally America! The world war fuse is about to be lit in the Middle East via Syria and Iran! All of these are part of their groundwork (via Order Out of Chaos) for the coming Luciferian New World Order! You are seeing the Hegelian Dialectic in action!
Nearly a quarter of Spanish workforce is jobless as unemployment levels hit record high!
By Sara Malm,
– Unemployment levels highest since the reign of Generalissimo Franco
– Over half of the workforce aged under 26 are without a job
– Spain’s unemployment level are now the highest in the industrial world
– Figures released two weeks after Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced a plan to save 65 billion euro – nearly £51 billion – over three years.
Spain’s unemployment rates have hit 25 per cent – the highest since records began after Generalissimo Franco’s dictatorship. Spanish officials have confirmed today that a quarter of its population – and a shocking 53 per cent of young people – is currently without a job.
This is the latest blow to the country’s economy as the government had hope the tourist season would help the country on its way out of recession. It is now looking towards a bleaker future, despite a vow of support from the European Central Bank, as 5.7 million Spaniards eligible for work stand unemployed.
Although the number of people who lost their jobs was significantly less in the second quarter – 53,500 compared with 365,900 in the first quarter – the country’s unemployment rate is still the highest in the industrial world, the national statistics office said.
A third of all unemployed in the Eurozone now live in Spain with more than half of those eligible to work under the age of 26 unemployed according to EU statistics agency Eurostat.
The Bank of Spain last week estimated a contraction of 0.4 per cent, after a 0.3 per cent decrease in January to March, with the official economic growth figures expected next week.
Spain’s economy is reeling in the aftermath of a decade long real estate boom that crashed with the debt crisis, bringing the Spanish financial sector to the brink of insolvency.
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