Art Cashin: Current Liquidity In System Risks Hyperinflation!
- Art Cashin – Current Liquidity In System Risks Hyperinflation!
Today 50 year veteran Art Cashin stunned King World News when he said, “… the amount of liquidity that’s around the globe should be hyperinflationary.” Cashin, who is Director of Floor Operations for UBS, which has $612 billion under management, also warned, “… the fall of Syria can destabilize the entire Middle-East.”
Cashin also discussed gold, but first, when asked if we were getting close a tipping point in reference to the Fed and other central banks trying to encourage lending and spending, Cashin responded, “You are. They talk about a lot of things they may do, including stop paying on reserves. None of that matters, Eric. There is plenty of money around but it’s not finding its way into the system.”
“By standards, the amount of liquidity that’s around the globe should be hyperinflationary. It is not. It is because when Bernanke flies over your house and drops millions of dollars in fresh cash on your lawn, you are so terrified you pick it up and store it in the garage. They’ve got to find a way to unlock all of that liquidity in the garages around the globe. This is a very, very different time than virtually anything we’ve seen before.”
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