Power Through Pretext: The Many Paths Towards Global Government !
- To those who think people like me are insane: I concede I may be paranoid and insane but that doesn’t mean I am wrong! The world is about to be hit by: global economic, financial and monetary meltdown leading to the Satanic World War 3 ! These are all planned by the Illuminists. It is not an accident of fate or coincidence. The endgame is about to be executed. The objectives of the Illuminists-Satanists are (emphasis mine):
– Luciferian New World Order
– Luciferian World Government
– One World Currency backed by gold –> ‘666’
– Global Supra-National Central Bank (very likely IMF 2.0 with BIS as backup, the World Bank will likely be morphed into a World Treasury Dept)
– Planned destruction of major religions in particular Christianity (The Luciferians snakes will not be entirely successful IMO for Christianity. But a great falling away will happen!)
– One World Religion
– One World Army
Power Through Pretext: The Many Paths Towards Global Government!
by Jurriaan Maessen, www.Infowars.com
“An absolute valued pretext for their absolute control model”
Aaron Dykes on the subject of “climate change” in an interview with Lord Christopher Monckton- May 23, 2012
What on earth would qualify as an adequate description of the general push towards Global Governance? How would one encapsulate the subject in one overarching catchphrase? The more you try to do so, the more impossible the task. Indeed, the sheer vastness and complexity of the globalist’s endeavor is in itself a massive wave holding a lot of researchers back, reflecting the old Nazi-concept of the bigger the lie, the easier it is to discourage those reporting on it. Yes: in the economic, political and biological spheres there is a comprehensive plan in place to seize upon crises (not one, but many), engineering them in fact- to provide the Hegelian framework for problem-reaction-solution with the aim of establishing once and for all a new world order- their new world order that is. The grandest of schemes, certainly.
Every tyrant has used certain pretexts to destroy liberty and crush dissent, deeming all means justified to accomplish its stated goals. It was either the threat by an outside force- a specter haunting the woods around the village- or some natural disaster the gods had in store for us if we did not increase our offerings double quick. It is no different in our time, where the specter manifests itself as a bearded boogieman, anthropogenic global warming, and the global financial meltdown.
One Currency To Rule Them All
On June 23, 2009, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi of the European Central Bank, gave a speech at the Aspen Institute Italia called The world after the crisis: Designing the future. A monetary order for the XXI century. In his speech, Smaghi stated:
“(…) We have been searching for a new monetary order since the fall of the Bretton Woods agreement, in the summer of 1971, and even that order was not so orderly, after all.”
–Smaghi concludes that the IMF/World Bank has taken its rightful place as head honcho of the “international monetary order”, undermining the autonomy of nation-states as it proceeds with its long-term plan of a global government and a single world currency:
“The fact that the crisis has restored the IMF to its place at the heart of the international financial system should provide some hope in this respect. (…) Most of the IMF’s shareholders seem to favour making IMF financing easier. (…) In sum, a new world monetary order– (…) requires a mechanism to keep imbalances in check. Key elements of such a mechanism include a prominent role for the IMF in two essential areas: strong and effective surveillance in crisis prevention, and responsible lending, with appropriate limits and conditionality, to countries in need.”
Here it is. Surrendering national and even regional economic power to a world body, a world bank, is the main goal of the transnationalists. And all this in the name of “preventing” crises- for which- by the way- the central bankers are more often than not responsible in the first place.
In a speech delivered in 2000, member of the executive board of the ECB, Sirkka Hämäläinen stated:
“In conclusion, I should like to come back to Paul Volcker’s prophecy. He might be right, and we might one day have a single world currency. Maybe European integration, in the same way as any other regional integration, could be seen as a step towards the ideal situation of a fully integrated world. If and when this world will see the light of day is impossible to say. However, what I can say is that this vision seems as impossible now to most of us as a European monetary union seemed 50 years ago, when the process of European integration started.”
The prophecy by long-term chairman of the Fed, Paul Volcker, the speaker is referring to went something along the following lines: “if we are to have a truly global economy, a single world currency makes sense, no?” But, as it turns out, 50 years ago this process she talks about was far from impossible to imagine. In fact, as the Bilderberg memos of 1955 reveal, plans for a world government were well beyond the stage of wishful thinking or geopolitical daydreaming fifty years ago. It is- after all- a much older plan envisioned way back and pursued by the same nobility responsible for centuries of oppression in Europe. Their feudal model has been passed on from generation to generation, like the blue blood racing through their veins.
On another occasion, Hämäläinen repeated her wish for a global economic integration:
“As a longer-term vision, one should see European integration as a step towards improving global co-operation and securing peaceful and balanced development in the whole world.”
Meaning of course, global government must replace the sovereignty of the nation state of old. In this context the word “peaceful” translates to the absence of war- for once potentials rivals are eliminated, there is no longer conflict. A consolidation of power, in other words, by the central banks of the world. Jurgen Stark, at the international conference of central bankers and economic educators in 2006, presses the point that only an independent central bank should be given the instruments of setting interest rates, maintaining price stability and overseeing the economy as a whole:
“Central Bank independence is nowadays enshrined in many central bank laws and statutes around the world. In order to ensure that this achievement also prevails in the future, broad public awareness of the benefits of central bank independence is essential. Fostering and preserving such awareness requires, in particular, that the independence of a central bank, once granted, is respected by the government in question and not undermined by political interference.”
read more!

O.W.G being re-branded as “Global Democracy” in the context of World Parliament under a U.N mandate in aspeech to the Commonwealth Club on July 12th 2012.
Please spread the word.