Those Who See Will Survive the Coming Monetary System Collapse!
- I have no doubts in my mind as to what is about to happen. It will be a global economic, financial and currency collapse. Some people are of the opinion that Asia will not be affected much by the collapse. I don’t think so! The global economy is too inter-connected. Some countries may suffer lesser but suffer they will. We are living in a period very much like the period in between WW1 and WW2. A period marked by massive economic and social turbulence leading to World War!
– - Do not be a sheeple, dead asleep with ZERO situation awareness. They are obsessed with their SOAPs, American Idol, Korean dramas, what to eat/wear … The trivial has become life. Last to know/understand, first to suffer the consequences and first to die. Got physical gold yet?
Those Who See Will Survive the Coming Monetary System Collapse!
It seems not a terrible lot has changed since the 1400s. Leonardo da Vinci then stated, “There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.”
While we can’t be certain of the percentages of each back then, certainly, today, those who do not see are the vast majority. Those who see when they are shown are very unusual. And those who see sometimes seem as rare as astatine – an element so rare that the total amount on Earth is thought to be less than 28 grams (1 ounce) at any given time. Certainly, the nearly universal public indoctrination system is responsible for the low level of displayed awareness on Earth today. ….
Thanks to it nearly everyone is oblivious to what is going on around them today. They see the government as good when it is violence and theft. They see paying the extortion called taxes as doing their “duty”. They think democracy is freedom when it is slavery. They think anarchism is violence and chaos when it is actually peace and adherance to the non-aggression principle. No one understands what money is or how it comes to be. Of those that think they do, many believe the dollar is still backed by gold… the remainder who are aware it isn’t backed by anything don’t see any problem with being forced to use an unbacked currency issued by a secretive cabal of central bankers and call the totally controlled, regulated, centrally planned and manipulated money and interest rate system the “free market” and when it fails they blame it on the market being too free.
Hardly anyone sees the brick wall the entire western world is headed for at breakneck speeds. No one saves or prepares for what is about to happen… because they don’t know it is going to happen.
They believe in the goldilocks economy… or green shoots… or the recovery that the oblong box in the corner of their living room shouts at them. They have no idea The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI) is upon us.
They do not see. When the US dollar and, with it, the western socialist nation states collapses they will be in shock. Living in a neighborhood, town or city overrun with those who do not see will, at that point, become interesting to say the least as they realize everything they believed was a lie.
If you did not know this previously but are reading this and being awakened, you are the second best thing… those who can see once they are shown. You now have a great advantage and can begin making preparations ahead of the crowd. What kind of preparations?
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