The Criminal Banking Cartel’s End Game: A 100% Digital Monetary System!
- The Criminal Banking Cartel’s End Game: A 100% Digital Monetary System!
by JS Kim,
There is no doubt that the elite have always sought to carefully manufacture news and to control the beliefs of the masses through their interests in funding education and in owning media distribution channels for centuries. There is a wealth of history that chronicles the elite’s desires to control and sway public opinion by manufacturing news versusthe honorable journalism pursuit of reporting news in a fair and accurate manner. For example, in 1917, Congressman Oscar Callaway stated, as documented in the Congressional Record (see top of post). ..
The Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy Brey, announced that the Spanish government now prohibits payment in cash for any transaction involving business professionals that exceeds EUR 2,500.Cayo Lara, leader of the United Left party, stated that those who violate the ban will face fines of 25% of the amount of any transaction that exceeds 2,500 EUR that are made in cash.
Coins and paper bills are the silent enemy of the poor. Vishnu Sridharan of the New America Foundation argues that cash-based economies “harm the poor by heightening the risks they face when carrying money and fueling government corruption and inefficiency.”
Any form of money that is not digital is bad for society and bad for the poor. Imagine literally having your life savings under your mattress or folded into a coffee can, vulnerable to fire, thieves, drunken relatives or nagging neighbors. Imagine having to ride the bus for hours to settle a bill, or traveling for days to deliver funds to a relative. Digital money solves nearly all money problems for the poor.
These arguments, put forth by banking shill David Wolman, would offend the sensibilities and intelligence of even 12-year old children like Victoria Grant. Anyone that has the most rudimentary understanding of our present monetary system knows that inflation and fractional reserve banking, not coins and paper bills, are the silent enemy of the poor. Furthermore, coins would be the biggest friend to the poor if they were made of pure gold and pure silver. Instead, Wolman attempts to serve up massive servings of rubbish to the readers of Time and Wired magazines by deflecting attention away from the root problems of poverty, the fractional reserve banking system that punishes the poor, the elderly and savers. Wolman pushes a ridiculous argument that the root causes of poverty are based upon the idea that because we have money in physical form, that makes it easy for poor people to have their wealth stolen.
However, should the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, Morgans et al decide that they want to expedite the destruction of people’s wealth in a more efficient and rapid manner, they could withhold the creation of the trillions of more dollars that would be necessary to uphold the financial derivatives market afloat, and instead, in withholding this money, cause the derivatives market to implode, thus triggering the blowback of bank failures across Europe and the US. And voila! The Central Bankers would accomplish their mission of destroying the people’s wealth in a much more timely manner than continuation of their “extend and pretend” policy. Thus, this is the great irony of our current situation. The criminals that run the Great Ponzi Embezzlement Scheme that is our global monetary system can deliberately destroy people’s wealth (that have no physical gold and physical silver and that store their wealth in fiat paper currency) through a number of options, and only they know what option they will choose.
One of the most effective tools of countering the elite banking cartel’s agenda is simply to buy more physical gold and physical silver and/or to convert a comfortable percentage of your paper fiat savings into physical gold and physical silver. I’ll explain exactly why such a simple maneuver will continue to protect you from the possibly devastating consequences of the global monetary end game in future writings. In the meantime, please don’t be fooled by the current banking cartel propaganda campaign that they want to offer us a purely digital monetary system for our “convenience” or to help solve “poverty”. Such an agenda to get rid of all other forms of money other than digital money is 100% about the banking elite’s desire to attain absolute control over us and nothing more. If we allow such an atrocity to become reality, we can effectively kiss what little economic freedoms we still retain goodbye. Thus we have no choice but to keep faith that we will win this battle.
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