Alex Jones Takes Calls on Obama Imploding The Economy!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
I don’t think the Illuminists are ready to pull the plug yet! Probably Aug-Oct 2012 time frame! But then again they are not God and things can spiral totally out of their control! – Possible imminent Eurozone collapse a game-changer for gold ! by Ross Norman, Gold is currently in a protracted period of consolidation …
So Long, US Dollar! By Marin Katusa, Casey Research There’s a major shift under way, one the US mainstream media has left largely untouched even though it will send the United States into an economic maelstrom and dramatically reduce the country’s importance in the world: the demise of the US dollar as the world’s reserve …
Fleckenstein – Fed Idiots Wrong, Big Problems in Europe & US! by On the heels of the release of the Fed statement and the Bernanke press conference, today King World News interviewed Bill Fleckenstein, President of Fleckenstein Capital, to get his take on the situation. Fleckenstein told KWN the economy will roll over, Europe …
QE to infinity is coming! Don’t believe the MSM economic recovery hype! – March Durable Good Implode, Worse Than Lowest Wall Street Forecast And Biggest Drop Since January 2009! by Tyler Durden, So much for a moderate decline in the economy. As we warned back in February when we noted that the non-seasonally unadjusted …
[youtube=] Going Dutch: The Netherlands to abandon the euro? by The Dutch government has collapsed after failing to win coalition support for its austerity plans. Elections are set to be held in September and analysts say one of the EU’s strongest economies may bring the unified currency’s demise – Prime Minister Mark Rutte, a …
The Illuminist banksters have taken over Europe. Private bankster debts have been socialized ie. dumped onto the sheeple. Why should the public be made to pay back these bankster debts when it is the criminal banksters who caused this debt crisis? All the Illuminist politicians are doing is to bail out the banksters while shoving the bill down the sheeple’s throats. Austerity and …
Perhaps some form of sanity has returned to these Zionists. Is this just another political theatre to cool the drums of war because they are not ready? Is this just another game, performed for the easily deceived sheeple? Who knows? Attacking Iran is the dumbest idea of all the dumb ideas by the Zionists. Millions …
Interview of Jim Willie on 24 April 2012 by Rick Wiles of TruNews. Topics: – – Hot summer of social unrest and protests in Europe! – Spain, France and Italy heading for collapse! – Germany will leave the Euro(EMS) first? Euro is fracturing! – Next 2-3 months major calamity in Eurozone? – Fracturing of Euro …