Egypt Poised To Join Russian Alliance! Move To Declare Israel as Its First Enemy!
- The pace towards the Satanic World War 3 Plan has just quickened. Why would America foment the Arab Spring revolution throughout the Middle East and hand it over to the Muslim (Masonic really) Brotherhood? Hosni Mubarak was in the Zionist’s payroll and was friendly towards Zionist Israel and America. So why would the Illuminist US government foment regime change and allow the Muslim Brotherhood to take power in Egypt? If peace is the plan why change from a Zionist friendly Mubarak to an unfriendly Muslim Brotherhood? Peace is not the plan! The Satanic World War 3 is the planned.
– - The people running America, Zionist ‘666’ Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood are Masonic-Illuminists-Satanists. They want a Greater Middle East war to destroy the entire Middle East and Zionist ‘666’ Israel also. These people do not serve the public/sheeple. They serve their Masonic god: Lucifer! Watch as the Anglo-American-Zionist Illuminists use their military outpost, the Satanic counterfeit, Zionist ‘666’ Israel to initiate this war and commit suicide in the process.
– - This coming war is really a war against the Jewish/Christian/Muslim … sheeple. But they are too dense to understand what is really going on. They will volunteer to serve their Illuminist masters to kill each other. It is about the Luciferians dividing and conquering the world. The sheeple are simply deceived useful idiots complicit in their own destruction. Many Christian sheeple will fall when Zionist ‘666’ Israel is destroyed.
Egypt poised to join Russian alliance!
A prominent political activist says Egypt’s move to declare Israel as its first enemy may push Washington to cut aid to Cairo, but will open an opportunity to befriend Moscow.
The Egyptian parliament has voted for a motion which calls Israel the first enemy of Egypt. The text — approved by the parliament’s lower house — calls for the expulsion of Israel’s ambassador to Cairo and recalling of Egypt’s envoy to Tel Aviv.
Lawmakers also voted for a halt to natural gas exports to Israel and called on the government to revise all of its agreements with Tel Aviv. Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Glenn, co-founder of the Crescent & Cross Solidarity Movement, to further discuss the issue. The following is a transcription of the interview.
Press TV: How significant a diplomatic gesture is this in terms of a rise of a post-Mubarak Egypt, in your opinion?
Glenn: I think it’s extremely important. Generally speaking, throughout history whenever a country cuts off diplomatic ties with each other that basically says we don’t want to speak with you anymore.
I think that this is extremely significant particularly in light of the fact that Egypt is the first Arab country to sign a peace agreement with Israel to recognize it as a political entity. So in that regards, it is extremely significant.
I can only hope that those in power in Egypt can follow up with it by forming powerful alliances with countries such as Russia because the United States, obviously, is not going to help these people out if they’re not going to honor the peace agreement with Israel in the 1979 Camp David Accord.
So, I think that this is an extremely hopeful trend, although we also have to be concerned about what is Israel to do because this obviously gives Israel all the things that she needs to wage war against Egypt with [the conflict] in the Sinai Peninsula — which she considers to be hers anyway.
Press TV: With SCAF (the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in Egypt) ultimately making all the decisions, how far is it going to go especially considering SCAF does dance to Washington’s tune due to the millions it gets in aid?
Glenn: Well, it dances to Washington’s tune so long as it doesn’t get another friend in the region that it can depend on. If Egypt is able to form any kind of practical and profitable alliance, say with Russia, then things could be markedly different. They would see all sorts of changes taking place in Egypt, asserting herself as a sovereign country in the region.