New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] The 13th Tribe of Khazaria! Ashkenazi Khazars Are Not The Jews of The Bible! If almost 98% of JEWS we know today are NOT semitic, wouldn’t the term ANTI-SEMITIC be null and void? I made this video with 3 Jewish friends who admit they are not Semites!!!! – “Many [modern-day Jews] of whom have …
The people running/ruling Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit are Freemasons-Illuminists-Satanists. Do not be deceived. They couldn’t care less if Zionist Israel is destroyed. They won’t give a damn when millions are killed. They serve the Masonic god: Lucifer. Watch as these snakes lead the nation to the Satanic World War 3 plan and ultimately …
There is no bailout of Greece. Calling it a ‘bailout’ is a deliberate misnomer to deceive the sheeple. It is simply the financial rape of Greece by Illuminist banksters! – Greece needs new bail-out, leaders told ! By Louise Armitstead, European finance ministers gathered in Brussels to approve the release of a €130bn (£109.3bn) …
[youtube=] The pace towards the Satanic World War 3 Plan has just quickened. Why would America foment the Arab Spring revolution throughout the Middle East and hand it over to the Muslim (Masonic really) Brotherhood? Hosni Mubarak was in the Zionist’s payroll and was friendly towards Zionist Israel and America. So why would the Illuminist US government foment regime …
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings. The Eurozone is heading towards a cataclysmic crash. More debts have been piled upon existing debts to create an even bigger problem! Don’t let the financial MSM’s beautiful lies deceive you. – Euro zone not out of the woods, RBC executive warns! by eric reguly , Approval …
It is a question of when the plug will be pulled on the Eurozone! When it comes crashing down, it will be the beginning of the global economic, financial and monetary meltdown! – Now even the eurozone admits it has condemned Greece to never-ending austerity! By Jeremy Warner, There’s a general view out there …
There appears to be quite alot of things happening behind the scenes in the financial derivatives market with regard to Greece’s default and triggering of CDSs. The rats are abandoning ship, taking cover because they expect something bad to happen! – CFTC Vacates CME Clearing Europe Limited Registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organization! by Ed Steer, …
The Greek debt problem has gotten worse. Fact: even though debt forgiveness amounted to around €100-billion they have taken on another €130-billion (bailout) of new debt! Ie. the amount of debt has increased by around €30-billion. It is a scam! – Is the Greek Debt Problem Really Solved? By Greg Hunter’s Yesterday, a short …
Forget China. ‘Hard Landing’ in US, Europe: Strategist! By: Antonia Oprita, Developed economies are still experiencing an economic “hard landing” after the credit crunch, despite data showing small increases in gross domestic product. As a result, investors should worry more about the West than about China, which is managing its slowdown, a currency strategist …
[youtube=] Transcript: Well, you’re back Mr Van Rompuy, another two and half years. No doubt a reward for your great success. Indeed, listening to you I thought perhaps I had got it all wrong. You talked about how positive the last Council meeting had been – that we’ve reached the turning point, that everything is …