Warmongers & Chickenhawks: ‘McCain Still Very Dangerous’!
- Matthew 4:8-10 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you,[a] Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”[b]
– - The verses above imply that “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” belongs to Satan. Would Satan appoint a Christian as leader over his kingdom, the sole superpower: America? I don’t think so. Unless you have concrete evidence to the contrary, you should assume that the people in power in this world are Illuminists. The Bible is absolutely correct in this matter. Practically, no one becomes a leader of note in this world without bowing his knees to Satan. There are very few exceptions, if any.
by http://www.cuttingedge.org/
On the night of the New Hampshire primary victory, Senator McCain is joined at the podium by his wife, Cindy. Incredibly, Cindy is prominently wearing the Illuminist Phoenix Bird Pin! While the Drudge Report is calling this the “Hillary Pin”, the truth is far deeper.
Most people, unaware of the Illuminist Plan for the global New World Order, would consider it rather outrageous that Republican Cindy McCain, wife of Senator John McCain, would wear the very pin that has become synonymous with Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton. The superficial understanding of this situation would probably lead one to believe that Senator and Mrs. McCain were secret Clinton supporters, or were closet Democrats.
I assure you this is not the case — the issue is much deeper and more serious than that. Senator John McCain has just signaled to the entire world that he is a secret Illuminist !
Therefore, just at the moment when McCain had just experienced the political triumph of his career, and just at the moment when the entire anti-Establishment theme had begun to bring forth fruit, McCain chose to flash a signal to the Initiated in the world that he is part of the ultimate Insider Establishment group, the Masters of the Illuminati. What surprises me is NOT that McCain is Illuminist, because no one can get the kind of political backing and the favorable press coverage McCain has received unless he is thoroughly supported by the Illuminati. Further, if a real Born Again Christian ever got as far as McCain has gotten, he would be stopped in his tracks by the Illuminati by assassination, if need be.
What truly surprises me is the timing of this signal that he is Illuminist. Might this signal derail his suddenly speeding political freight train? Might genuinely Born Again Christians suddenly realize he is the ultimate Establishment Insider through the Illuminati? We certainly hope true Christians now realize McCain is just one more occult liar backed by the Secret Societies. Once more, the Mass Media has succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of the American voters. Once more, we have been sold a man who is most definitely not what he seems to be. Once more, we discover we really have no choice in our electoral process, because the Illuminati owns every man who will get enough support and enough votes to wage a serious campaign.