Infowars Nightly News: The Hegelian Dialectic!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
I have mentioned many times that the Muslim Brotherhood is really run by Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI6, Mossad … It has deep ties to the western Illuminati from its founding mainly via British Intelligence which founded it. At the top echelons, the leaders are Masonic ie. Illuminists-Satanists. These snakes masquerade themselves as Jews, Muslims, Christians …
[vodpod id=Video.4833538&w=425&h=520&fv=] The Illuminists are following a very tight script. It is that of the 1930s Nazi Germany. Fascism has taken over America. The Illuminists intend to use America as the main protagonist in the coming Satanic World War 3. The plan is to set the world alight in wars, chaos, violence, famine, genocide; economic, financial, …
It appears the Illuminist western MSM are stepping up their psyop, propaganda and outright lies against Iran. It appears they are laying the groundwork for a rapidly approaching false flag attack on the western world to be blamed on Iran. This false flag (nuclear?) attack will be the pretext needed for the Zionist-Illuminist-NeoCons to start …
It is a question of when Greece will default not whether. The Illuminist banksters know this and believe me they have a plan to pull the plug on Greece and the entire Eurozone. Do not buy into all the talk in the financial MSM about Greece reaching a bailout agreement. It is all BS, propaganda, psyop … for sheeple consumption. …
This story is entirely plausible. The Illuminists do have a plan to pull the plug on the entire Eurozone. I am not sure they can hold back the tides of default for Greece much longer. The country is going to hell and everyone with a brain cell can see, Greece will not be able to pay …
[youtube=] Satanist Albert Pike and Three World Wars The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political …
[youtube=] Text of message: “I was visiting ABCNews the other day to see a friend who works on graphics. When I went to his room, he showed me all the graphics he was making in anticipation of the Israeli attack on Iran; not just maps, but flight patterns, trajectories, and 3-d models of U.S. aircraft …
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[youtube=] The 13th Tribe of Khazaria! Ashkenazi Khazars Are Not The Jews of The Bible! If almost 98% of JEWS we know today are NOT semitic, wouldn’t the term ANTI-SEMITIC be null and void? I made this video with 3 Jewish friends who admit they are not Semites!!!! – “Many [modern-day Jews] of whom have …
[youtube=] It appears an attack in Iran will happen in 2012! This will be the beginning of World War 3! Who benefits from all the recent terrorist attacks in Thailand, India and Georgia? The war mongers of America and Zionist ‘666’ Israel ! – ANOTHER PRETEXT TO WAGE WAR? The Fingerprints of False Flags Against …
A strike on Iran will be the beginning of World War 3! Both China and Russia are committed to the defence of Iran. Iran does not have nuclear weapons nor a nuclear weapons program. America, EU and Zionist ‘666’ Israel are lying. It is all about the western Illuminati wanting to maintain and continue their …
David Livingstone: Terrorism And The Illuminati. A Three Thousand Year History! About the Book Contrary to myth being fabricated, Islam does not pose a threat to the West. Rather, Islamic “terrorist” organizations have been created to serve Western imperialistic objectives. These groups are intertwined with Western power through a network of occult secret societies. This …
What is happening to Greece (and Italy) is the takeover by Illuminist Freemasonic banksters from the Trilateral Commission. It will be repeated throughout Europe. But I doubt the Illuminists will be successful in all their plans. In the end, the 17 Eurozone nations will be whittled down to 10 nations (the 10 Horn Beast of Revelation 17). It will …
Let’s hear what the professional really think about the Greek situation and not the propaganda on the MSM ! – SocGen Sums It Up: “The Time For Patching It Up Is Over”! by Tyler Durden, While next to impossible, now may be a good time to ignore the constant barrage of meaningless noise and …
Will Greece be the trigger which ignites the sovereign debt bomb? Even if it won’t the rest of the PIIGS will detonate this bomb! It will lead to financial collapse on a global scale! Be warned ! Got physical gold yet? – Greece is Not Lehman 2.0… As I’ll Show You, It’s Far Far Worse… …