Stephen Leeb: Expect US$6 per Gallon Gas & Huge Surge in Gold & Silver!
- The Illuminist banksters will solve all the debt problem via massive creation of money out of thin air. They will not allow their Illuminist banks (ie. shareholders of the FedRes, ECB…) to go bust. They will attempt to inflate their way out of all their obligations, liabilities and debts. The top 5 Illuminist Wall Street banks hold something like 97% of all financial derivatives (about US$700T). When these derivatives are activated (for eg. via debtor default for CDS), how can these banks stand to lose US$700T? What if a cup of coffee costs US$1T? US$700T is only 700 cups of coffee! No big deal. How do you get the price of coffee to US$1T? Massive hyperinflation! The USD is toast. Got physical gold yet?
Leeb – Expect $6 per Gallon Gas & Huge Surge in Gold & Silver!
Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb told King World News that investors need to prepare for $6 per gallon gasoline, instead of the $5 we are currently seeing. Leeb also said tremendous inflation will cause gold and silver to begin a major surge to the upside which will take both of them to new highs. Leeb is Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management. Here is what he had to say: “Gold rallying is a recognition that virtually every large economy in the world is reflating. It’s a situation where a lot of money is being pumped into the financial system and every country in a race to the bottom with regards to their currencies. Interestingly, gold is moving higher with the yen moving lower. Of course the yen is moving lower because of aggressive Japanese monetary stimulation.”
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