Insider Leak: Senior US Bankers Given Explicit Timetable For Greece Default Starting on 23 March 2012 ?!

- This story is entirely plausible. The Illuminists do have a plan to pull the plug on the entire Eurozone. I am not sure they can hold back the tides of default for Greece much longer. The country is going to hell and everyone with a brain cell can see, Greece will not be able to pay back its debts. Any new bailout plan based on even more debts upon existing debts is utter nonsense! If the Greeks don’t make their payment on the 20th March, then a 23 March collapse is probable. The question is whether the Illuminists will allow it to cascade across the PIIGS, then the Eurozone and bring down the financial system! We will know whether this leak is true or otherwise in a about month’s time! (emphasis mine)
by The Slog Blog,
A written document giving firm dates and detailed actions for a planned Greek default has been in the possession of two top Wall Street bank currency trading bosses since the second week in January. The Slog has separate but corroborative sources affirming the existence of the document, and a conviction among senior bank staff that – at least at the time – the plan represented “a timetable, not a contingency”. The plan gives a firm date of March 23rd for default to be announced after the close of business.
Senior bankers on Wall Street have been given detailed documentation setting out a timetable to Greek default, including firm dates and technical ‘orders’ about last use of the euro as a currency there. The revelation arrived at Slogger’s Roost last Monday, since when I have been trying to obtain corroboration. This arrived in the early hours of today (Thursday). One of the banks is Barclays Capital (Barcap) run by controversial figure Bob Diamond. The other must remain anonymous for the time being, in order to protect sources.
The document asserts that Greece will officially be declared in default by all the ratings agencies after the close of business on Friday march 23rd . At the weekend all Greek bank accounts will be frozen, with emergency measures detailed to prevent the flight of capital. Included in the paperwork is a list of very limited exceptions to the ‘no withdrawals’ order. All major banks ‘are instructed not to deal with euro exchange as of open of business in Greece on Monday 25th march. All Greek markets will close for one day ‘at least’.
As yet, I have been unable to establish the source of the documents. But one of my informants admitted, “I have strongly suggested to Greek business friends and clients that they sell up fast, do a sale and leaseback on property, empty bank accounts, and change to a hard currency.”
I have little doubt that such a critical path analysis leading to default in Athens can be easily brushed aside as contingency planning. But this is not the impression Slog sources were given: and its existence is bound to further raise suspicions in ClubMed about the real intentions of ‘EU Nord’, Washington and the Troika – especially the IMF. In particular, the alleged creation of the document both supports (and/or coincides closely with):
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GREEK DEFAULT PLAN: JP Morgan also possesses it.
by The Slog Blog,
Just to update folks, my first source for today’s earlier posting is now happy for me to name another US bank working to the March 23rd Greek default schedule as JP Morgan. This is based on the reality that dozens of people have now come forward to confirm Morgan the Pirate as one of the recipients.
I have not as yet received any confirmation that eurobanks are in this loop. I must therefore conclude that the ‘default schema’ is US Fed-led, with Mr Timothy Geithner perhaps in a leading role
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PLANNED GREEK D-DAY: Sources implicate Obama White House!
by The Slog Blog,
… I still lack concrete proof of the validity and source of the documents held by Wall Street banks in relation to a seemingly planned/forced default by Greece on 23rd March 2012. Further enquiries have revealed allegations that first, “the White House played hardball in several meetings with top bank currency traders” to ensure that “the Greek thing didn’t get out of control and ruin Obama’s chances”; second, Portugal is described as being “in the frame” for a similar process; third, the documents are from the Federal Reserve not the Treasury; and lastly, both the IMF and senior members of the German Government are in the loop.
… for more click here!
– - See also:
Forbes: Will Greece Default on March 20 ?
Fitch Says Greece Will Default By March 20 Bond Payment