Shame on Europe for Betraying Greece!
- What is happening to Greece (and Italy) is the takeover by Illuminist Freemasonic banksters from the Trilateral Commission. It will be repeated throughout Europe. But I doubt the Illuminists will be successful in all their plans. In the end, the 17 Eurozone nations will be whittled down to 10 nations (the 10 Horn Beast of Revelation 17). It will likely be the based on the old WEU – Western European Union of EU Parliament – Recommendation 666!
EU Parliament Recommendation 666 (Page 47)
One day I saw a report in the Los Angeles Times about a European military alliance known as the Western European Union (WEU). What caught my attention was the map showing the 10 European nations that belonged to this alliance. I immediately recalled the Bible prophecies about the revival of the Roman Empire under 10 kings.
– - Shame on Europe for betraying Greece
by William Wall for Critical Legal Thinking,
Capitalism is triumphant as EU states sacrifice the Greek people in a desperate attempt to appease the gods of speculation
The behaviour of the EU states towards Greece is inexplicable in the terms in which the EU defines itself. It is, first and foremost, a failure of solidarity.
The “austerity package”, as the newspapers like to call it, seeks to impose on Greece terms that no people can accept. Even now the schools are running out of books. There were 40% cuts in the public health budget in 2010 – I can’t find the present figure. Greece’s EU “partners” are demanding a 32% cut in the minimum wage for those under 25, a 22% cut for the over 25s. Already unemployment for 15-24-year-olds is 48% – it will have risen considerably since then. Overall unemployment has increased to over 20%. The sacking of public sector workers will add to it. The recession predicted to follow the imposition of the package will cause unbearable levels of unemployment at every level.
In addition the “package” demands cuts to pensions and public service pay, wholesale privatisation of state assets – a fire-sale, since the global market is close to rock bottom – and cuts to public services including health, social welfare and education. The whole to be supervised by people other than the Greeks. An entire disciplinary and punishment system.
When we casually use a term like “bailout”, it is important to remember that it is not people who are being bailed out, or at least not the Greek people. The bailout will not save a single Greek life. The opposite is the case. What is being “bailed out” is the global financial system, including the banks, hedge funds and pension funds of the other EU member states, and it is the Greek people who are being ordered to pay – in money, time, physical pain, hopelessness and missed educational opportunities. The relatively neutral, even stoic, term “austerity”, is a gross insult to the Greek people. This is not austerity; at best it is callousness.
On top of this callousness, we must remember that the strategy itself is nonsense. Every intelligent observer is agreed that cuts do not produce growth. The highest rate of growth in the EU at present is in Poland where massive public investment is driving the economy. GDP is declining or barely moving among the “austerity” nations, including the UK.
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