False Flag? Examining The Attacks on Israeli Targets in India And Georgia!
- Are these false flags attacks by the Mossad? It is entirely possible. The Zionists are once again trying to play the victim card to build sympathy for their genocidal intent against Iran! The views promoted via the Zionist controlled western MSM must be viewed with scepticism. It is usually false, propaganda, psyop or has a hidden agenda.
False Flag? Examining the Attacks on Israeli Targets in India and Georgia!
By Madison Ruppert, The Intel Hub
The first thing I noticed when reading the reports of the bombings of targets remotely related to Israel was that one of the attacks had all of the hallmarks we have come to associate with assassinations carried out by agencies like the Israeli Mossad, American CIA, etc. and/or their proxies like the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and Jundallah.
In this article we will also be looking at the possible motives for the attacks, if the attacks came out of Iran as individuals like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have claimed, or if indeed they were false flag attacks carried out by Israel itself.
The piece of information that set alarm bells ringing immediately was the mention of a magnetic device being used to attach the explosive to the minivan carrying an unnamed Israeli diplomat’s wife to pick up her children at the American Embassy School in New Delhi.
Delhi Police Commissioner B.K. Gupta reported that the attack occurred soon after 3 PM just a few hundred yards away from the prime minister’s residence. In the vast majority of assassinations in Iran, usually targeting nuclear scientists, the assailants use a motorcycle and a magnetic bomb.
The most recent murder of a nuclear scientist in Iran followed this same blueprint with reports that the individuals responsible approached and escaped via motorcycle while the bombing itself involved a magnetic explosive attached to the car.
Just days before Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan was killed, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, the Israeli military chief, hinted at foul play being involved in the many “accidents” and deaths in mentioning the “things that happen to [the Iranian nuclear program] unnaturally.” Similarly, Brigadier General Yoav Mordechai said of the Roshan assassination, “I certainly am not shedding a tear.”
Obviously this makes the link to Israeli/American intelligence and their terrorist proxies purely circumstantial, but nonetheless the evidence indicating that the attacks were actually carried out or ordered by the Mossad and/or CIA is much more compelling than the total lack of evidence linking Iran.
There is also the possibility that the attacks were totally genuine and carried out by independent terrorist organizations not in the pocket of an intelligence agency as is the case with al Qaeda, the MEK, Jundallah and others.
However, the timing of and targets of these attacks seem much too convenient to have the timing and targets chosen be pure coincidence, although it is impossible to rule it out entirely until more data emerges. Speaking of lack of data, the question mark in the title is there precisely because there is far from enough information to actually prove anything in this case as of now, either way.
In addition to the attack in New Delhi and the thwarted attack in Georgia, Netanyahu claims that Israel has stopped attempted attacks recently in Azerbaijan and Thailand, although they have presented nothing to substantiate the claims in any way.
“Iran is behind these attacks and it is the largest terror exporter in the world,” Netanyahu said to Likud legislators, although some say that these attacks might not have as large an impact as we might think. Reuven Pedatzur, an Israeli military analyst quoted by the Associated Press, claimed that the bombings were unlikely to affect Israel’s plans regarding Iran, adding that they were isolated incidents with a low impact.
I have to agree with Pedatzur in that these attacks were relatively low impact in terms of actually hurting the Israeli government in any way. If Iran was actually behind this, as Israel has said (which has yet to be backed up by India, I might add) why would they target individuals with little to no importance whatsoever?
I don’t mean to be callous but killing the wife of an unnamed Israeli diplomat in India isn’t quite like killing a prime minister or any other major figure. In all honesty, it isn’t even comparable with killing a lower-level government official like a Knesset member. If this was actually a terrorist attack meant to somehow hurt Israel, why would they target individuals with such little value in a governmental sense? I’m not one to say that any human life is worth more than another, but when taking the point of view of a terrorist or assassin, one must consider the value of the target in terms of governmental operations, diplomacy, international image, etc.
Not a single individual was killed in the attacks, and while four people were injured, the only ones even slightly connected to Israel were an Israeli Embassy driver and the diplomat’s wife. What kind of terrorist targets the wife of a relatively minor diplomat and a driver? That would be like if terrorists blew up an empty grocery store in Oklahoma, injuring some random people in the process. There’s no doubt that it is wrong, but it has to be the most ineffectual terrorism in the world.
There is also the matter of the incident in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, where an “explosive device” was placed underneath the car of a driver for the Israeli Embassy. Shota Utiashvili, the spokesman for the Georgian Interior Ministry, reported that the driver claimed to have noticed a package on the undercarriage of his vehicle, after which he called the police, who then found and defused a grenade.
Obviously this attack does not fit the mold of the attacks on nuclear scientists in Iran with the magnetic bomb and the assailants on motorcycle, but it raises some very glaring questions of its own.
Why a grenade? Furthermore, why place a grenade, which are usually quite small, on the bottom of a car in a way which was so obvious that the driver could see it. Unless the car is significantly raised off the ground (like a sport utility vehicle) or the driver decided to randomly get on his back and check out his vehicle, the chances of someone just happening to see a small device placed on the undercarriage of his or her car are quite slim.
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