Fritz Springmeier: The Illuminati World System!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] Be wary of all the Zionist propaganda driving us to war with Iran. Iran does not have a nuclear bomb nor a nuclear weapons program. They have stated publicly they do not want nuclear bombs as it is against their Muslim religion. Iran has not invaded any country or started any wars in a …
[youtube=] The Bureau of Lying (ahem Labor) Statistics is pulling out all the stops in their manipulated propaganda! The MSM is complicit in selling lies. – I Can’t Take It Anymore! When Will The Government Quit Putting Out Fraudulent Employment Statistics? by On Friday, the entire financial world celebrated when it was announced that …
[youtube=] At the heart of the Illuminists’ power is their global monetary hegemony. Their principal currency the USD, the world reserve currency, is the standard by which all other fiat currencies are measured/priced. By manipulating the USD, creating massive amounts of it out of thin air, they can buy up the world, bankrupt countries, destroy …
[youtube=] I still think the schedule is Sep/Oct 2012 for the Iran war to become hot! The Illuminists want this war to support Obama’s election at end 2012. However, I may be wrong. Recent events: India, China, Russia abandoning USD for trade settlement and oil settlement … using gold, may force their hands to protect …
This entire Eurozone bailout is a charade, a political theatre. It is performed for sheeple consumption. What is really going on are: financial rape of the sheeple, piling on more debts upon existing debts, destroying national sovereignties, consolidation of power …. laying the groundwork for a catastrophic collapse of the Eurozone. They are engineering a massive collapse to bring …
[youtube=] You will never find a cure for cancer coming out of Big Pharma. It is a highly profitable business. It is about profits not saving lives. When you trace the history and shareholders of Big Pharma, you find the same 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Rockefeller and Rothschild. Their religion is a cult of death. – …
[vodpod id=Video.16043671&w=425&h=350&fv=] Chinese ‘Gold Rush’: Country Diversifying Assets! by China is the world’s fifth-largest holder of gold and seems to be in the market for more. Analysts believe Beijing snapped up around 500 tons of gold in 2011, double what it bought in 2010. – China does not release official gold trade figures, but …
[youtube=] Syria: The Lies of the UN Security Council are Revealed by grtv The draft resolution on Syria under discussion at the UN Security Council is reportedly being softened to take into account Russian concerns. It’s likely to have references to President Assad stepping down, and an arms embargo removed from the text. RT’s Marina …