Patrick Wood: Why Financial Chaos? Illuminati Trilateral Commission Endgame!

- Why Financial Chaos: Trilateral Commission Endgame!
August Review
This speech was delivered to the Fall 2008 Radio Liberty Conference in Santa Cruz, California. It lays out how members of the Trilateral Commission have controlled U.S. and global trade policy since 1976 with the election of Jimmy Carter and with every successive administration. The DVD version of this video is available at on a contribution basis.
– - This is an excellent lecture presenting the history of the (Illuminati) Trilateral Commission. Why was it founded? What are its objectives? Who are the key people involved in this Illuminist organization! It has gain full control of the US government and is creating a New World Financial Order. Patrick Wood, excellent researcher on the Trilateral Commission, answers all these questions and more. He gives us an understanding into the situation now and what is about to happen in the future!
– - The Trilateral Commission: Usurping Sovereignty
by Patrick Wood, August 3, 2007
…. Further, Trialogue and other official writings made clear their stated goal of creating a “New International Economic Order.” President George H.W. Bush later talked openly about creating a “New World Order”, which has since become a synonymous phrase. This paper attempts to tell the rest of the story, according to official and unofficial Commission sources and other available documents.
The Trilateral Commission was founded by the persistent maneuvering of David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Rockefeller was chairman of the ultra-powerful Chase Manhattan Bank, a director of many major multinational corporations and “endowment funds” and had long been a central figure in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Brzezinski, a brilliant prognosticator of one-world idealism, was a professor at Columbia University and the author of several books that have served as “policy guidelines” for the Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski served as the Commission’s first executive director from its inception in 1973 until late 1976 when he was appointed by President Jimmy Carter as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
The initial Commission membership was approximately three hundred, with roughly one hundred each from Europe, Japan and North America. Membership was also roughly divided between academics, politicians and corporate magnates; these included international bankers, leaders of prominent labor unions and corporate directors of media giants.
The word commission was puzzling since it is usually associated with instrumentalities set up by governments. It seemed out of place with a so-called private group unless we could determine that it really was an arm of a government – an unseen government, different from the visible government in Washington. European and Japanese involvement indicated a world government rather than a national government. We hoped that the concept of a sub-rosa world government was just wishful thinking on the part of the Trilateral Commissioners. The facts, however, lined up quite pessimistically.
If the Council on Foreign Relations could be said to be a spawning ground for the concepts of one-world idealism, then the Trilateral Commission was the “task force” assembled to assault the beachheads. Already the Commission had placed its members in the top posts the U.S. had to offer.
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