The Daily Bell: Beijing And London – One World After All ! The Anglo-American Power Elites And Their World Government Agenda!
- This is an excellent article confirming what I have been saying for years: Illuminist intelligence agencies, Illuminist MSM, World Government …etc. (emphasis mine)
Beijing and London – One World After All !
London Wants to Tap Chinese Currency Market … Britain plans to turn London into a major foreign exchange trading center for the Chinese renminbi to benefit from faster growth in Asia while strengthening the city’s position as a financial center in the wake of the banking crisis. George Osborne, the chancellor of the Exchequer, said during a visit to Hong Kong on Monday that he was working with Chinese and British banks to establish London as a new hub for the renminbi market. – Deal Book/NY Times
Dominant Social Theme: London seizes an opportunity within the context of making the City grow. Just business, you know.
Free-Market Analysis: Suddenly, having pushed Europe away, the City is eagerly embracing China, as we can see from the New York Times article excerpt above. Do you believe this, dear reader? We don’t. To us it seems like one more step on the “long march” toward the much touted, elitist New World Order.
Too big a jump in logic? Follow our reasoning through the rest of this article. First of all, we have to question the New York Times‘ credibility. Myriad documents on the Internet now prove fairly conclusively that the Times is a kind of mouthpiece for the US Intel complex. What the CIA wants, the Times prints.
Of course, the CIA – to complicate matters – is not working for the US government or its “people” but for a tiny, elite clique of impossibly wealthy central banking families headquartered in London with arms in Rome, Washington DC and Tel Aviv.
The goal of this tiny group of intergenerational elites and their colleagues and enablers in the corporate, military and political world is to build global government, a seamless intercontinental sociopolitical and economic facility. In order to create such an ambitious paradigm, it is not enough to stitch European countries together. Asia and China must be brought into the fold as well.
The Anglosphere, as we call it, often does this by military means, by the way. Wars are the crucible, apparently, in which one-world government is forged. This would explain, for instance, the increasing obviousness of the phony Cold War, as well as the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts – which also included, at least to some degree, Cambodia and Thailand.
It is war that gives the West’s massive mercenary forces the justification to bring to bear secret invasions and manipulations of various countries. It is war that allows the Anglosphere to destabilize regimes it does not favor while putting into power those with whom it can work in the future.
We think we see this not just in Asia, but in China, too. Well hidden in 20th century is at least the possibility that there was secret funding and encouragement for Chairman Mao and his takeover of China. This is basically a historical fact when it comes to the USSR. Why shouldn’t it be the same for the Red Dragon?
The elites apparently always seek this kind of polarization. It is part of a larger Hegelian Dialectic that is intended to move free markets and freedom-oriented countries into a far more militarized posture. The Cold War basically put military powers in charge in both Europe and America. The questionable “war on terror” is now doing so again.
It is not enough, however, to create a war, or even a totalitarian society. Once the initial authoritarian state has been put into play, the inevitable “liberalizing” can begin. We have seen this now not just with the USSR, but with China, Cuba and even Vietnam.
Of course, the response will come quickly – Marxism doesn’t work and the dictatorial elites running these countries have adopted a more businesslike approach to markets in order not to lose power. This is perfectly possible – but it is too neat. Too clean.
We’ve started to believe in Directed History, you see. That’s the kind of history that seems real but is not. It is instead a kind of stage play. The power elite, having placed its disciples into every nook and cranny of the world’s political system now stages elaborate fantasies for the masses.
It’s been doing this for a very long time, perhaps a century, perhaps three – for however long the current conspiracy to create world government has been in place. (Or perhaps it’s evolved.)
No matter. These fantasies are abetted by the West’s bought-and-paid for mainstream media. We have long since concluded that every major article of this sort that appears in the “Mockingbird” media is a kind of lie. That goes for this latest story about London and Chinese currency.
If the New York Times is explaining that London and Beijing are to grow closer together for business reasons, we immediately look for another reason. In fact, this idea that China is an exploitable capitalist environment is laughable. No, in our view, China is verging on an economic meltdown that will make Europe’s “sovereign crisis” look positively mild.
We have a lot of trouble believing it’s real. In fact, we’d speculate it is the most blatant kind of elite dominant social theme. These fear-based promotions are intended to frighten (mostly) Western middle classes into giving up wealth and power to specially prepared globalist institutions like the UN,IMF and World Bank.
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