Greek Bailout in Peril !

- You cannot solve a debt problem with more debts! What the MSM call a bailout is a fraud. It is mis-labelling to fool the sheeple. There is no bailout, it is really more debts at high interest rates. Do not fall for all the mis-information in the MSM. The western corporate MSM is just another arm of the Illuminist banksters. If you are bankrupt with no ability to repay, do you really think banks will lend you even more money? Banks will bail you out? I don’t think so! This is about propping up insolvent French, German … Illuminist banks which hold alot of sovereign debts!
Greek Bailout in Peril
BERLIN—Germany and France on Monday pressed Greece and its bondholders to agree on a reduction of Athens’s debt burden, warning that Greece’s bailout loans from the euro zone and the International Monetary Fund are on hold until a deal is reached with private investors.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy met in Berlin on Monday to discuss the euro zone’s plans to tackle the debt crisis on the bloc’s periphery, and to flesh out their proposals for closer coordination of economic and budget policies among the euro’s 17 member countries. But their talks were overshadowed by concerns in financial markets that Greece’s bailout program is in danger of unraveling, driving the euro to a 16-month low and hitting global stocks on Monday.
Greece’s deteriorating economy is threatening the viability of a €130 billion ($165.2 billion) bailout for the country that European leaders agreed to in October. The bailout package, which followed an earlier aid deal for Athens that was agreed on in 2010, relies on Greece negotiating a 50% reduction in much of its outstanding bond debt. It also requires Greece’s government to make fresh efforts to cut its budget deficit.
“The second Greece program has to be implemented soon, otherwise it won’t be possible to disburse the next tranche” of aid loans, Ms. Merkel told a joint news conference with Mr. Sarkozy after their meeting. A spokesman for the Greek government declined to comment on Monday.
Many analysts and officials, including at the IMF, fear that Greece will need bigger debt forgiveness from its bondholders if it is to bring its overall debts down to a sustainable level. Germany and France, however, made it clear on Monday that they want to see the October agreement implemented.
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