Fitch: Significant Chance of Italy Downgrade!

- This coming collapse is an orchestrated event. The Illuminist banksters and their minions are simply lining up the pieces for a catastrophic financial earthquake. It is global economic, financial and monetary collapse leading to the Satancic World War 3. The western Illuminati will use brute force, full frontal assault on all nations which refuse to accept their New Financial / Monetary / Economic Hegemony. They want to pound the world into submission to their One World Currency, Global Supra-National Central Bank and Luciferian New World Order.
Fitch: Significant Chance of Italy Downgrade!
By Clare Hutchison, MarketWatch
Future of the euro “decided at the gates of Rome,” agency says
LONDON (MarketWatch) — Fitch Ratings agency said Tuesday that there is a “significant chance” that Italy will have its credit rating downgraded because there is no credible financial firewall in Europe.
Speaking at a conference in London, Fitch’s Head of Global Sovereign Ratings David Riley said the agency will review Italy’s credit rating at the end of this month. Fitch in December placed Italy on a negative rating watch with a “heightened probability of downgrade in the near term,” along with fellow euro-zone countries Belgium, Spain, Slovenia, Ireland and Cyprus.
Riley said Italy was “the front line of the crisis,” because unlike the other ‘crisis’ countries such as Portugal or Ireland, Italy is at the core of the euro zone — it has the third-largest economy and biggest bond market in the region. The future of the euro would therefore be “decided at the gates of Rome,” Riley added.
He pinpointed the Mediterranean nation’s high level of public debt and sluggish economic growth as key risk areas, but also said investors had changed their perception of Italy’s economy, making recovery more difficult. “Italy needs to convince investors that it can grow in the euro zone and that is more challenging than austerity,” Riley said. “One thing which would also help Italy would be to remove the liquidity crisis premium, which means you need to have a firewall.”
Riley said that France is not considered a crisis country, but could be vulnerable as the debt crisis rages on, because “politically, economically and financially, it is heavily invested in the euro-zone project” and has significant liabilities, including its contribution to the European Financial Stability Facility, the euro zone’s bailout fund.
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