Webster Tarpley: Israel Threatens New Gaza War!
- Why are the semitic Palestinian people being massacred by non semitic Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ flying a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag? If you can accept it: the Palestinian people are in all likelihood the biological descendents of the 12 tribes of Israel ie. the real Jews of the Bible! This is my suspicion!
Israel threatens new Gaza war!
by http://www.presstv.ir/
Interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author and historian in Washington, DC.
Almost three years after the Israeli regime’s massive attack on the Gaza strip, a Tel Aviv official has again threatened to launch another war on the blockaded and impoverished territory, describing the move as “a war of necessity for Israel”. Referring to the military plan as a “swift and painful” war, chief of staff of the Israeli military, Lt. General Benny Gantz, also claimed that the measure was “not a matter of choice, but a war of necessity” for Tel Aviv.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Webster Griffin Tarpely, a Washington D. C.-based author and historian to further discuss the issue.
What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Ok, Webster Griffin Tarpley do you agree on that? Israel being weak, a tidy shifting away from them and since they feel weak they feel like [going] after wage of war?
Tarpley: I think that there is a good argument that, the Israelis are becoming weaker in the sense that their principal military options become less and less credible apart from the question of nuclear weapons. Which remains, I would have stressed that, it is extremely and likely that Israel would do anything alone, I think it has to be seen together with the United States, had some very interesting evolution on the question of, if Israel attacks Iran what would the United States do?
On the second of December, Defense Secretary Panetta said, that such an attack would essentially be a misfortune. It would be the entire Middle East consumed in a confrontation and something to regret. That was December second, but then by December 19 flying back from Iraq and Libya as well as Afghanistan having in effect, presided over he would think the end of two wars. He started talking about the third war.
He was asked by CBS news; –flying in the dooms day plane right back from Europe– if Israel attacks Iran what would be the attitude of the United States? And Panetta then said [of shocking] statement that, Israel and the United States have common concerns so there would be a shared common concern.
And that’s indeed very much like carte blanche -the green light-and in addition to this in the background we have had an article coming out in the council on foreign affairs- foreign affairs magazine- the CFR, and we have one of the principal articles, is there is no time to strike Iran and it is a perfect time.
And I think you can see if, Israel goes first in such an attack this makes it easier for Obama, it makes it easier for the United States maybe internally politically and also regarding Europe. But of course if, Israel goes first that makes it harder for the Saudi Arabian’s and others [to stay] in the region.
The other thing that I think is important, is around the 15th December, their Defense Minister Barak and their security boss Yalon, started talking about the overthrow of the Assad’s government in Syria and they were very blatant they were absolutely open. They said it would be a matter of a couple of weeks or a matter of a few weeks. The Israeli calculation seems to be that, the over throw of the existing governments in the Arab-world, [that] we have seen in this year, actually makes Israel so much stronger, because the Arab states that come out of this, are all weaker. Libya [is] certainly weaker, Egypt–i think arguably weaker-and they think if they could bring down Assad, that would help them. So all of this does argue for a kind of a propaganda buildup, which has –I think– military as well as even financial roots. So, on the whole [it’s] certainly very very dangerous.
Press TV: Let’s look at the statements made by this Israeli General. And I like to pull the part that he says, Israel is looking for the right time to launch a war against the Gaza strip. When do you think he means by this being the right time, and if the right time comes about does that mean that is going to kick-start maybe the other countries that are involved then in terms of their regional pursuits, Syria to be one of them and then maybe Iran?
Tarpley: I think what General Gantz of the IDF says, is incomprehensible in its own terms. what is the great threat coming out of Gaza? I really do not see it. Rather it seems like the desire to go or to provoke other states in the region to respond to another orgy of killing on the model that we saw three years ago, right in the interregnum between Bush and Obama. There was this -of course-huge attack on Gaza with one thousand five hundred dead on the Palestinian side. I think to try to do that again today, is really an attempt to try to get somebody to respond and then use that as a pretext for something else. I would also point out that, i think the timing really goes far beyond Israel. We have just heard the British government saying that, they believed that the Euro is about to collapse and I think when the British government says they believe they mean they want; that they are working hard to collapse the Euro.
So that the Pound could remain the last man standing and the Euro could go down. However, people in Wall Street Washington would say well, if the Euro goes down, that might be good for some people for the Dollar and the Pound in the short run but the obvious thing that would follow then is that, the Dollar would be sucked into the vortex of the Euro’s collapse. Now that the connection to the Strait of Hormuz is pretty obvious. There is a group in Wall Street that wants the closure of the Strait of Hormuz. They say, that is the only way to save the dollar, if you have a war involving Iran, we have just had the statements –maybe contradictory– but it is pretty obvious that the maritime traffic through the Strait of Hormuz is not going to be facilitated by a war, rather the opposite. And if that happens, if that oil is cut off, right, it is still a large part of the world market of oil, the price of crude oil like to go to two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, nobody really knows. And that would be the only way to save the dollar, in extremis by creating a huge artificial demand for dollars to soak up the dollar overhang and to prevent a flight out of the dollar, we have also just had the Chinese and the Japanese, getting together and saying that, they are going to eliminate the dollar from their bilateral trade. That is another big blow for dollar banks that have been skimming of that trade in recent years. So, i think if you keep your eye on the dollar and the fact that for purely financial not industrial or consumer point of view, but from a purely financial point of view, a cutting off of that oil, would actually be the salvation of the dollar, at least in some kind of Wall Street perspective, this may indeed be what the Israelis are talking about. Because this is what they attuned to as well.
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