Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] The Illuminists have turned America into a fascist military state. The chief industry of America is war. They are following the script of 1930s Nazi Germany. They are setting America and its allies up as the protagonists of this coming World War 3. On the opposing side are the Muslim World, Russia, China and …
The FedRes, ECB, IMF, World Bank, BIS … are all privately owned Illuminist central banks. The plan is for the consolidation of the western banking system into fewer and fewer banks. They do so by engineering this global collapse. Many banks are going under and the Illuminist banksters are merging these banks into their own Illuminist banks. They need …
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[youtube=] [youtube=] Zionist ‘666’ Israel, non semitic Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ , flying a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag, are killing semitic Palestinians. Zionist ‘666’ Israel has locked up 1.5 million Palestinians in an open air prison called Gaza. It is a neo Nazi, genocidal state. Zionist ‘666’ Israel is not the Israel of the Bible. It is a …
[youtube=] Will Iran close the Strait of Hormuz in the event of war? Obviously yes! This is the Illuminist plan so that oil price will surge towards US$200/barrel. Although, Iran is morally on the high ground. Do not be deceived, the people in control of Iran, the ruling elites, are Illuminists, the same as the Anglo-American ruling …
The Bible has this specific warning about counterfeit Jews who are not Jews but of the Synagogue of Satan. Too many Christians are duped by these Satanic counterfeits. Zionist ‘666’ Israel is not the Israel of the Bible. It is a Satanic counterfeit. It is the only country flying a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag. See …
[youtube=] Be careful of the western MSM. They are ratcheting up the lies and propaganda against Ron Paul and Iran. They want to paint Iran as a genocidal maniac threatening world peace. This is nonsense! Iran does not have nuclear weapons nor a nuclear weapons program. Iran has not started a war with any country …