Adrian Salbuchi: 12 Triggers – From “Globalization” To World Government !
- See earlier video here:
Adrian Salbuchi reviews the 12 Triggers being used by the Global Power Elite to drive the worldwide transition from “Globalization” to World Government during 2010 and forecast into 2011. Also give details on his new eBook in English, “The Coming World Government: Tragedy & Hope?”.
12 Triggers
1. Financial Meltdown (Coming One World Currency backed by Gold)
2. Economic Crisis
3. Social Upheaval
4. Pandemics
5. Global Warming
6. False Flag Attack
7. War in the Middle East
8. More ‘Eco-Accidents’
9. Political Assassination
10. Attack on ‘Rogue State’
11. Staged ‘Religious Event’
12. Staged ‘Alien Contact’