Global Warming Scam Perpetuated by Government, Industry, And Wall Street – And Taxpayers Have Been Footing The Bill !
- Man made global warming is an Illuminist hoax. Al Gore, the man behind this, is a 33rd degree FreeMason, an Illuminist. See also: Al Gore Set To Become First “Carbon Billionaire” ! Who is the ‘god’ of FreeMasonry?
“To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (of the 33rd degree), we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd , 31st and 30th degrees – The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. … Yes, Lucifer is God … “
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871 (blasphemy)
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Global warming scam perpetuated by government, industry, and Wall Street – and taxpayers have been footing the bill!
by Jonathan Benson, Natural News
For over 20 years, the dogma of man-made global warming has been trumping sound science and even basic logic. The result has been a global movement of pseudo-scientific alarmism about climate change that seeks to solve it with scams like global carbon taxes.
But a simple visual chart put together by Jo Nova shows how governments, industry, and Wall Street have been behind the global warming scam all along, and how they continue to use taxpayer dollars to fund it.
Nova calls it “The Climate Change Scare Machine,” a continuous cycle that bilks taxpayers out of their money in order to fund the man-made global warming agenda. Behind this agenda are Wall Street financial firms, “green” foundations, and even organizations created specifically to smear those that speak out against global warming. And after receiving “rubber stamp” approval from the mainstream media, the misinformation created by these groups is peddled to the masses as scientific truth, even though little-to-none of it is actually based in sound science.
You can view the chart for yourself here:
Climate change apologists have a monopoly on science
Many of the formulas, calculations, studies, and other data cited as evidence of man-made climate change have been exposed as seriously flawed over the past several years. But because the problem is “systemic” rather than “conspiratorial,” according to Nova, this monopoly on science and scientific thought is strangling any real progress towards discovering the real truth about climate change. As a result, the man-made global warming theory is still considered to be truth, despite a lack of credible evidence.
To make matters worse, the few scientists and climate experts that are brave enough to speak out against global warming, using real science to back up their claims, continue to be ignored or ridiculed by the establishment. There simply is no room for alternate theories, or any type of evidence that contradicts the official story, after all.
As a result, many others in the scientific industry who feel the same way are intimidated from speaking out themselves, for fear that they will lose funding or even their careers. Many of the major scientific groups that study climate science are funded by the same interests pushing the man-made climate change theory, after all.
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