GEAB N°58: Global Systemic Crisis – First Half of 2012 – Decimation of The Western Banks!
- The financial MSM is bombarding us with all sorts of rumours about the Eurozone bailout. First one way – agreement reach, then another – no agreement. This is just political theatre, a scripted show acted out by politician puppets for their Illuminist masters. The fact of the matter is: even if an Euro$2.5Trillion EFSF amount is agreed, who is going to pay for it? It is just more debts shove upon the Eurozone sheeple. You cannot solve a debt problem with more debts! It will create an even bigger crisis later on.
GEAB N°58 is available! Global systemic crisis – First half of 2012: Decimation of the Western banks
As anticipated by LEAP/E2020, the second half of 2011 is seeing the world continuing its unstoppable descent into global geopolitical dislocation characterized by the convergence of monetary, financial, economic, social, political and strategic crises. After 2010 and early 2011 which has seen the myth of a recovery and exit from the crisis shattered, it’s now uncertainty that dominates the States’ decision-making processes just like businesses and individuals, inevitably generating increasing apprehension for the future. The context singularly lends itself: social explosions, political paralysis and / or instability, return to the global recession, fear over banks, currency war, the disappearance of more than ten trillion USD in ghost-assets in three months, widespread lasting and rising unemployment…
Besides, it’s this very unhealthy financial environment that will cause the “decimation (1) of Western banks” in the first half of 2012: with their profitability in freefall, balance sheets in disarray, with the disappearance of trillions of USD assets, with states increasingly pushing for strict regulation of their activities (2), even placing them under public supervision and increasingly hostile public opinion, now the scaffold has been erected and at least 10% of Western banks (3) will have to pass that way in the coming quarters.
However, in this environment, increasingly chaotic in appearance, trends emerge, the outlook sometimes appears positive… and most importantly, the uncertainty is much less than one might think, if only one analyzes the changes in the world within the framework of the world after the crisis rather than with the criteria of the world before the crisis.
In this GEAB issue, our team also presents its 2012-2016 “country risk” forecast for 40 States, demonstrating that one can depict the situations and identify strong trends through the current “fog of war” (4). In such a context, this decision-making tool is proving very useful for the individual investor as well as the economic or political decision-maker. Our team also presents the changes in the GEAB $ Index and its recommendations (gold-currencies-real estate), including of course the means to protect oneself from the consequences of the coming “decimation of Western banks”.
For this GEAB issue, our team has chosen to present an excerpt from the chapter on the decimation of Western banks in the first half of 2012.–
First half of 2012: Decimation of Western banksIn fact, it will be a triple decimation (5) culminating in the disappearance of 10% to 20% of Western banks over the next year:
. a decimation of their staff
. a decimation of their profits
. and lastly, a decimation of the number of banks.
It will be accompanied, of course, by a drastic reduction in their role and importance in the global economy and directly affect banking institutions in other regions of the world and other financial operators (insurers, pension funds …).
… for the full article click here!