Texe Marrs: Codex Magica. Satanism And The Ruling Elites. Satanic, Kabbalistic Signs, Symbols And Rituals In Society!
- This is a great 2 part documentary of Texe Marrs (The Power of Prophecy ministry, on The Freeman Perspective) exposing Satanism, the Illuminati, their signs, symbols and Kabbalistic rituals. This world is ruled by a Satanic cabal who masquerade as Christians, Jews, Muslims… Do not be deceived. Texe Marrs reviews his book: Codex Magica:
“They vowed you would never know. They thought there was no way you could possibly unmask the sick things they have been hiding. They were wrong. Now, thanks to the incredible revelations in this amazing book, you can discover their innermost secrets. You can identify the members of the Illuminati and unravel their astonishing plan to control and manipulate. You can crack the Illuminati code.”
Ephesians 5:11 (New International Version)
11Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
- See also:
Texe Marrs: Conspiracy of The 6 Pointed Star!
Texe Marrs: The Illuminist Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem (Secret Rulers of Israel). The Satanic Death Grip on Humanity And The Coming World War 3!
Texe Marrs: Thunder Over Zion! The Illuminist New World Order Centred In Jerusalem!
Freeman: FreeMason, Occult And The Ruling Elite. Satanic Kabbalistic Rituals In Music Videos. America The New Atlantis!
Illuminati Music Industry: 36 Pop Music Artists Exposed?
Kobe Bryant And LeBron James Illuminati Members?
How The Illuminati Work In Hollywood. Illuminati Symbolism In Movies!
Network News: Seeing Through Illuminati Eyes!
Leaders & Celebrities: ‘I Love You’ or ‘I Love Satan’ ?
Satanism In Hip Hop!
The Leaders of Our World: Rock Music Fans Or Satanists?
Schwarzenegger To Speak At Bohemian Club Conclave!
Afro American Freemasonary and Barack Obama!
Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: The New Atlantis!
Eye Of The Phoenix : Secrets Of The Dollar Bill ! The Luciferian ’666′ Attack On America!
America’s Secret Destiny: The Illuminati, Free Masons, The Founding Fathers and The New World Order!
Dr. Tom Horn: Apollyon Rising 2012! The Hidden Occult Masonic Plan For America! The Rise of The Mystery Babylon Empire!
Dr. Tom Horn: Apollyon Rising 2012! The Final Mystery of The Great Seal Revealed! The Secret Destiny of America!
Freeman: A Luciferian Cabal Rule This World. Their Plan For The Rebuilding Of The 3rd Temple. Illuminist Intelligence Agencies! Soul Transfer Technology!