Fritz Springmeier: The Top 13 Illuminati (Satanic) Bloodlines And Mind Control !
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- The 13 Satanic Bloodlines by Fritz Springmeier or here!
…. Long ago in the dark unwritten pages of human history, powerful kings discovered how they could control other men by torture, magical practices, wars, politics, religion and interest taking. These elite families designed strategies and tactics to perpetuate their occult practices. Layers upon layers of secrecy have hidden these families from the profane masses, but many an author has touched upon their existence. I began my research when I began to get first hand reports from very informed people that an elite group did rule the world. My research into Satan’s hierarchy went fast because of my skills as a researcher and because I knew from the beginning from my informants about the reality of what I was investigating. My investigation into the Illuminati, led me to read and pray about thousands of books. The quantity of books, newspapers, magazines and manuscripts and papers which were read to get me to where I am today numbers in the many thousands. …
1. The Astor Bloodline (or here!)
2. The Bundy Bloodline (or here!)
3. The Collins Bloodline (or here!)
4. The DuPont Bloodline (or here!)
5. The Freeman Bloodline (or here!)
6. The Kennedy Bloodline (or here!)
7. The Li Bloodline (or here!)
8. The Onassis Bloodline (or here!)
9. The Reynolds bloodline (or here!)
10. The Rockefeller Bloodline (or here!)
11. The Rothschild Bloodline (or here!)
12. The Russell Bloodline (or here!)
13. The Van Duyn Bloodline (or here!)
** [Merovingian] (European Royal Families) (or here!)
Interconnected families:
The Disney Bloodline (or here!)
The Krupp Bloodline (or here!)
The McDonald Bloodline (or here!)
– - See also:
John Todd (1970s): Ex Council of 13 Illuminati Member Reveals How the Illuminists Work. Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Illuminati Corporations, World Government, Attack On Christian Church, Rock Music….
Conspiritus: The Illuminati Conspiracy!
Dr. John Coleman: The Illuminist Committee of 300!
Dr. John Coleman: Illuminist Committee of 300 Staged Atrocities for World Government !
Dr. John Coleman Reveals The Illuminist Committee of 300 Plans for America!
The History of the Illuminati ! The 13 Satanic Bloodlines!
Exposing the Illuminati from Within
Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust!
Myron Fagan’s 1960s Lecture Exposing The Illuminati, CFR And The Satanic One World Government Plan!
The Monopoly Men: The Illuminati Bankster Shadow Government!
Dark Secrets: Inside The Bohemian Grove! Satanism And The Ruling Elite!