CrossTalk: Currency Death!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
The world is returning to a gold standard. It is a matter of when. – Return to Gold Standard? Why Price Would Hit $10,000 ! By: John Melloy, All the major countries in the world are in a race to debase their currencies in order to restart their economies. Either economic growth returns or—as …
This Iranian plot is BS! It is an intentional diversion, most likely from the Fast & Furious investigations! – Patrick Cockburn: This bizarre plot goes against all that is known of Iran’s intelligence service by The claim that Iran employed a used-car salesman with a conviction for cheque fraud to hire Mexican gangsters to …
[youtube=] Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot by Ray McGovern, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, in his accustomed role as unofficial surrogate CIA spokesman, has thrown light on how the CIA under its new director, David Petraeus, helped craft the screenplay for this week’s White House spy feature: the Iranian-American-used-car-salesman-Mexican-drug-cartel plot to assassinate the …
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[youtube=] Pastor Lindsey Williams with Dr. Stan Monteith on Radio Liberty on 12 October 2011. Pastor Lindsey Williams confirms that there will be no war with Iran for the time being .. so all these talks about the recent alleged terrorist plans is probably just media hype and soon we will forget about it. – Pastor …